Why I Want To Be A Veterinary Technician Essay

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II. Who Am I I am a visual learner that learns best from first hand experiences. After taking a personality test it reinforced the fact that I like to direct and lead. ”ENTJs have a natural tendency to marshall and direct” (Meyers-Briggs). This statement accurately describes my work ethic and how I always strived to lead a group. Also, I am a very vocal person that tends to speak my mind. I tend to enjoy a debate and feel comfortable in that setting. Also I may not be the most kind and compassionate person but, I do show empathy and sympathy towards others. When it comes to my communication skills respect and maintain the manners no matter who I am talking to . So who I am is a strong willed person who tries to respect people in any scenario and likes to be in control and delegate tasks to others. III. What careers am I interested in …show more content…

After taking two online career inventories I was than able to narrow it down to two possibilities which is a DVM or Veterinary physician I was given this option by Education Planer. It said I was best suited for a medical field based on my interests and hobbies After it took the second inventory on What career is right for me I was told I should go into zoology which is the study of the behavior, structure, physiology, classification, and distribution of animals (Environmental Science). Personally I feel that being a veterinary physician would be something I would enjoy doing due to the fact that would be able to interact with several types of animals. Also, being a Veterinary physician is something I have always liked and wanted to do. So in conclusion, I believe that being a Veterinary physician is best suited for me for a potential

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