Why I Want To Go To Criminal Justice Application Essay

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At a very early age I’ve always had a problem with injustices and often analyzed how they could possibly be corrected. From this derived my desire to become a lawyer as a teenager leading possibly to a judge. In my initial entrance into higher education I chose another path for personal reasons thus prolonging my desire to enter law school. After several years passed I realized that I’ve been delaying my entry into the justice system and decide recently to go back to school for my passion. Immediately I began to research schools for criminal justice degrees and came across CSU Global. Obtaining this degree will help me gain entrance into the field that I am most interested in and also provide me with the knowledge I need to apply within …show more content…

I live a long way from home and I’m single, therefore, my children are the only two individuals physically around. Alone, these two give me the drive I need to continue to push forward in all my endeavors.

The time I will commit to studying each week will be a minimum of 10 hours. When at home I will study in my office area or on my balcony depending upon the weather. While at work I will study in my car or the breakroom whenever I have sufficient time to do so.

Since a 5th grade student I struggled with math in certain areas and was embarrassed because I have always exceled in all my classes up until then. Therefore, I never asked for help and continued to struggle until high school. As a sophomore I encountered an instructor who was very thorough with her lessons. Because of this, I began to improve but was still hung up in certain areas. My teacher monitored the halls during my lunch hour and I saw this as a perfect opportunity to ask for help. My teacher allowed me to sit with her during my lunch and she reviewed each problem I missed. She ensured I knew exactly what I did wrong and that I was able to explain and demonstrate why I had made my mistakes. This particular experience is where my love for math/problem solving