Why Is Euthanasia Morally Wrong

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“One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure”-William Feather. This quote is amazing and is so truthful. If a life is taken as an adventure, it is way more exhilarating! For example, if kids took school as an adventure it would be more enjoyable. Adventures also have obstacles. In life, for example, terminal illness could be an obstacle. If terminally ill people took their sickness as an adventure, they could enjoy the life they had left a whole lot more. Its all about how people look upon their life that makes it fun or dull. Life is very important though, and should be enjoyed and not wasted. Taking the word euthanasia literally means “a good death” (Cavan 7). The definition of euthanasia is “the act of killing …show more content…

In 1997, in the case of Vacco v. Quill, the Supreme Court ruled there is no constitutional right to die; therefore, proving euthanasia is wrong. The 14th amendment states “No state shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property; without due process of law” (Issitt and Newton). These 2 statements prove that assisted suicide is morally wrong. This shows that is should not be allowed anywhere in the U.S. Euthanasia is completely unfair to doctors who are putting down another human being just like themselves. Doctors shouldn’t be allowed to do euthanasia on patients if they have taken the Hippocratic oath; which states, “I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel.” Euthanasia is so cheap, it could eventually fill the gap for treatment, replacing it with death (Matthews). It must be stopped now! Most painkillers doctors use for terminally ill people now are likely to kill them anyways (Pearson). If a person has cancer and wants to stop eating because they throw up all the time for medication, if the doctor grants that, he basically has killed them. It is like him letting them commit suicide without handing them a loaded gun. Suicide is already a leading cause of death in the U.S.; it does not need to be assisted by euthanasia. It is not a good idea to promote suicide at a time that suicide rates are high. Suicide goes against many religions, including Christianity (Pearson). The bible says in Exodus 20:13 “Do not Murder” (Exodus 20:13). Euthanasia is terrible and must be stopped or more problems will be