Why Is Factory Farming Important

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Due to the amount of antibiotics being used by both humans and animals we might become immune to them sooner than one might think. This is one reason we must put regulations on the amount of antibiotics one uses for an animal or human.Factory farming is a farming system where they put all the animals either inside i cages or inside a factory where they are all cramped together waiting to be transported to the slaughter house in which they are killed. we must put regulations on the amount of antibiotics one uses for an animal or human.When we eat the meat that has been injected with hormones we might end up getting the hormones that were originally meant for the meat. We must put regulations on the amount of antibiotics one uses for an animal or human. We should not give tons of antibiotics to farm animals in order to get them big enough to slaughter. When we eat that meat we could possibly get those hormones inside of our bodies. It is incredibly important to only use antibiotics when an animal is in a situation where it is medically necessary. On the website http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm378100.htm it states that “It is incredibly …show more content…

However this is very bad because when we shoot drugs up into animals to keep them alive it could make them immune to the antibiotics and they could get fatally sick.In the artile http://consumersunion.org/news/the-overuse-of-antibiotics-in-food-animals-threatens-public-health-2/ it states that antibiotics have been used since the 1940’s and have led to such a dramatic change in illness and death. Very little process has gone into reducing the amount of antibiotics given to animals. Basically you could end up eating meat that is a different gender and was shot up with those hormones that could end up in your