Why Is Steve Jobs Important

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Steve Jobs

In February February 24, 1955 one of the greatest inventors was born in in the centre of the world of technology. Steve jobs, an entrepreneur

and inventor, has revolutionized the industry of information technology with his briliant ideas and overcoming many obstacles in computing;

however, after many ups and downs in his profftional life he has succeded in dominating the computers market by founding Apple in 1976,

which is an American multinational technology company that focuses in designs, consumer electronics, computer software, and online


Steve was born in San Francisco to John Jandali and Joanne Simpson, who gave their son for adobtion to Clara and Paul Jobs. They were

living in Mountain View that become …show more content…

So, they invented a

computer that was smaller and cheaper than others. In 1976, they formed the company Apple Computer and called their first computer the

Apple I folowed by Aplle II placing the company on the top of the market after four years with a value of $1.2 billion. However, the next several

products from Apple had a lot of designs flaws rusulting a sharp decrease in Apple sales. By 1985, Steve left Apple to begin a new hardware and software enterprise called NeXT, folowing that he purchased an animation company, which later became Pixar Animation Studios.

In 1997, Apple ended up purchasing NeXT from steve. Then he returned to the company as the CEO while it was struggling at that time and needed new ideas. With Jobs in the right position, Apple began to release new products to regain its success in the electronnics market. For instance, steve's remarkable products like iMac, iPhone, and iPod have caught all the consumers attention for their stylish design and effective marketing. Moreover, his endless passion for Apple made him one of the greatest and richest innovators of the 21st

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