Why Is Tupac Alive

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Tupac Shakur admittedly predicted his own death, generally speaking that he was not going to be on this Earth any longer. “I am having visions of leaving here in a hearse.” (Parham) Tupac thinks that his time to go is in the offing.. He puts the lyrics of his death prediction into a song which has the whole world speculating.. Tupac was a talented rapper he spoke nothing but the truth.. He made superior music all his life and somehow people still despise him. He had already gotten shot once, and after the one time he got shot, he started making music that involved him to realize that he had predictions of his death. Research shows that Tupac Shakur is still alive because of the album, “On Me Against the World”, he did not have a funeral, no …show more content…

It seems odd on such a high profile night that he would forget protection.” (Parham) This quote meant that Tupac already got shot before he was presumed dead. Furthermore, the next subtopic will be on Tupac Shakur obtaining and additional shooting for the second time in his life. In like manner, Tupac was show once more after a Mike Tyson and Bruce Seldon fight, “Tupac and Knight were idle at the red light when a white Cadillac rolled up to the passenger side and opened fire. Tupac was hit four times and Knight was unharmed.” (Parham) This quote means that if Tupac got hit and Knight did not subsequently, that must have meant Knight conducted the shooting . It is either Knight conducted the shooting or something simply is not adding up. Furthermore, the next subtopic will be on if Tupac is really dead or …show more content…

Tupac’s mother said, “In the end he chose to leave quietly.” (Parham) Tupac was always a man of his world so why would he lie? There are so many questions that have not been answered. Why would he say something like that in that sort of serious matter? This quote has everyone questioning if Tupac is really dead or not. What did she mean by, “He chose to leave quietly?” Furthermore, the next subtopic will be on how Tupac pulled off his master plan. Tupac was said to be dead, but is there any real evidence? Tupac may still be alive, “Tupac faked his death and fled to stay in Cuba with his aunt, Assata.” (Parham) This quote means that Tupac released so many songs about himself leaving this Earth and his life was going so well. There was no reason for him to die, or the case is maybe he did not die. The world may never know what happened to Tupac Shakur. Furthermore, the story has come to a termination.. Tupac is still alive for the simple fact that there is not any evidence that he is