Why Online Tracking Should Be Stopped

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Why Online Tracking Should Be Stopped
Isn’t it horrible advertisers can follow you from site to site, even if you sign in to your computer anonymously? Not just that, they can tell if you own two different devices, keep track of your purchases (on and off line,) and share that with other people for money. Allowing advertisers to collect data (information) on innocent people does not let them give the public a better experience, it simply invades their privacy (their personal information) in ways they do not want. Because advertisers treat you differently because of the sites you go on, the lack of authority for online advertisers, and powerful cookies that can track information about you that you don’t want shared, online tracking is a awful thing. …show more content…

In 2012 a large online travel agency called Orbitz gave Mac users more expensive hotels than PC users(Hill). Later on Staples only gave price discounts to people who used their mobile device within 20 miles of a competing store(Hill). This is horrible because they give some people and advantage over other people just because of something they did in the past or some attribute they have. Also, search engines will tell companies to give you ads for flights to or hotels in the Bahamas, even if you had a vacation there years ago and hated it! Another horrible thing about online tracking is that you can not tell a website what you are not interested in, so past attributions can hurt you in the future. Online tracking is not acceptable because websites will treat you differently then other users just because of the sights you go on or the computers you