Why Do People Lose Weight

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Five psychological reasons why people don't lose weight even with diet and exercise. Mat Traube a psychotherapist from Southern California is convinced that your weight is closely connected with your self-confidence and sense of security. That's why your interferes can easily cripple your attempts to shed those extra pounds. We put together five major psychological barriers that keeps us from losing unwanted weight. 5. Having extra weight is convenient. Yeah we know what you're thinking. Well that's how my skinny jeans that won't. But surely there are no advantages to have excess weight. Right. Well hear us out. How many times have you heard someone complaining about being forever alone? Working at a dead end job or just finding themselves not where they wanted to be in life. And what's the reason according to them? I'm single because of fat. Companies just hire based on looks. I'm stuck in this rut because of my weight. It's all too convenient to blame existing problems on being overweight. Think about it. If a person's weight was more within the norm it would be obvious that the reasons for their problems were hidden somewhere else deep inside. Of course no one wants to be disappointed in themselves. So that is exactly why their weight doesn't change even if they work out all the time. Their subconscious won't let it happen. …show more content…

being overweight nurturers procrastination. Let's be honest here. procrastination is human nature. Any of you procrastinating something as you watch this video now. Any of these sound familiar?- 'I'll do it tomorrow. Ok definitely on Monday. For sure after the new year. Okay just one more Brightside video.' It's OK we won't tell if you don't. Some of those struggling with their weight might even postpone their plans until the next life when they're thin and fit. That little voice of procrastination is at ease knowing that your extra weight is satisfying it's evil little Plan 3. It's a way to attract love and