Why Should Standardized Testing Be Banned

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Standardized tests cause stress and failure among students. Standardized tests should be banned in the U.S. because of the stress and weight it adds to a student's grades and education after high school. Tests separate groups of kids based on their capability giving them the illusion that they aren't as smart as their friends, taking a toll on their mental health and stability from a young age. Standardized testing does not provide an accurate representation of what a student has learned and provides unnecessary stress throughout the school career.

Standardized tests negatively affect public schools is the claim of Standardized Testing Has Negatively Impacted Public Schools``By Bobbie A. Solley. In school“Standardized tests are now used …show more content…

Solley). The evidence talks about how schools tend to figure out what's wrong, but not add on or help the struggling child leaving them confused and left to struggle when the topic is brought up again in later years. Another reason is that school systems don’t fix problems in learning fundamentals that just identify them instead of helping them punish the child with a bad grade and then not discussing the topic till it's too late. Standardized tests take away problem-solving and replace it with fill-in-the-blank standardized tests. Schools are replacing high-level thinking skills one thought with things more set to fit the mold of standardized tests a piece of evidence that shows how standardized tests negatively affect school systems.“For many children, U.S. public schools have become places where separateness is evident, where those who do not have are expected to achieve the same standards as those who have. School, the very place where democratic values should be taught and practiced, is being eroded in the name of standardized testing and accountability. As a result, many voices have been silenced”(Bobbie A. Solley). The author's ideas get lost because they …show more content…

Walberg. The author thinks“Well-designed standardized tests can measure knowledge, understanding, application of ideas, and other high-level skills. Designers can use single items with a clear, correct answer to assess lower-level skills. They also can combine items and ask respondents to select the best answer when assessing complex knowledge, “(Herbert J. Walberg). The author thinks that standardized tests represent the knowledge of a student in a subject. The author thinks that it can Mussuer a high-level understanding and comprehension. The author also thinks that tests teach skills required for professional goals and help kids demonstrate their knowledge. The author might think this if they had a positive response to tests but this does not apply to most people. However tests could teach you about selecting the best answer, it's really about teaching, not test-taking skills. The author's overall model is flawed because they start out making a broad unsupported generalization by saying that the majority of the American public supports testing. Tests Cannot measure high levels of complex learning with questions in reality tests only cover a portion of the knowledge learned in class and life and can't represent everyone. Standardized tests are made to be just that standard a one