Why Shouldn T Gay Abortion Be Banned

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Why is Gay Adoption being banned? How are gay couples supposed to start a family if they can’t have children? Why would the state take away that right? what is the real difference between a gay couple and a straight couple? The most important thing for a kid is to grow up with two parents and in a safe environment. In my opinion as long as the child is safe and loved and well taken care of it doesn’t matter what the parents sexuality is the sexuality of the parents don’t affect the child in anyway yes the parents set an example of a happy healthy relationship but that doesn’t mean that the child will have the same sexuality. There are kids out there who grow up with straight parents but turn out gay. There are also some children out there who grow up with gay parents and turnout Straight. Who really cares what a person's sexuality is as long as they are happy with how their life turned out and they don’t become a criminal society should just let them be happy and not try and change who they are. How would you feel if you couldn’t have a child of your own but the state still …show more content…

“ In truth the Family is like any heterosexual household.” (http://ic.galegroup.com/ ) This shows that even though the child will grow up with either two moms or two dads they will still turn out the same and the family dinamic is still the same within the house no matter who the parents are.

Some may say if a child is raised by Gay parents then the parents sexuality will automatically transfer to the child. However tests have shown that there is no evidence that would suggest that growing up with gay parents would impact their well-being. .Some might say that Gay parents can foster children but they shouldn’t be able to adopt the children.However if the child has been with them long enough they will get attached and not want to leave. That's why gay adoption shouldn’t be