Persuasive Essay On Gay Adoption

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Do you know what homosexual adoption is? Also known as adoption of same-sex parents, it is about couples of the same gender who can be legally recognized as parents of a minor. A subject that has both arguments for and against, and in this argument, we will talk about the positive aspect since we should not judge and (or) make prejudices, because we are not a perfection and much less we have to ask for it. The arguments to defend are: 1. Currently, many gay couples raise their children, adopted or conceived through assisted fertilization methods. 2. Marriage is civil rather than religious. 3. The family, like any other institution, is a social product subject to change. 4. Everyone has the right to be happy and this implies being free and …show more content…

The Constitutional Court, with Judgment C-029/09, included same-sex couples within the concept of 'permanent partner'. This extended to these couple’s rights in civil, political, migratory, social and economic criminal matters, which until then were exclusive to heterosexual couples living in free union, that is, laws can be applied equally between the two types of a couple and therefore, there may be an estate for a family as such. Because homosexual parents may have experienced bias and prejudice themselves, they may be more willing to deal with children who have had problems with the child welfare system. Homosexual parents get involved in child care as well as heterosexual parents. The National Organization of Men against Sexism says the obstacles that homosexuals have to overcome to adopt illustrate their desire to be full-time parents and caregivers. The article points to a study that found that homosexual men worked fewer hours to spend more time raising their children. The American League for Child Welfare says that because of sexism, homophobia and legal discrimination, families of homosexual parents must work harder to protect the rights