Why We Shouldn T Cell Phones Be Used In School

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When it comes to difficult times in your life, being a teenager definitely tops the list. You’re stuck between “child and adult” and are expected to meet and maintain grades, social relationships (whether they be with family or friends), and high expectations of others. With brains that are still developing it’s easy to become distracted and get off task, whether in school or out. And the best distracter? None other than the cell phone. Mobile phones can cause harm to a student, not only as a distraction, but also by being addictive.

Nevertheless, many think that cell phones are critical for use in school, there are numerous other resources that are available for use in school. In newsletter Mobile Phones Proven to Save Lives in Emergencies they explain how based on research they conducted, people are more …show more content…

In the article Your Cell Phone IS Killing Your Productivity, but Not for the Reason You Think it states how the messaging tone affects our minds, “Unfortunately, even if you’re diligent about avoiding the siren song of that chime or ringtone that indicates a call or message, just hearing the notification is enough to derail you.” This shows just how simple it is for minds to become preoccupied with extraneous information, causing students to answer questions absentmindedly and make frivolous mistakes. Not to mention, brains are incredibly poor at multitasking, which is another point brought up in Your Cell Phone IS Killing Your Productivity, but Not for the Reason You Think. The author writes, “In spite of all the multitasking we do, our brains aren’t really that good at it. We only have so much attention we can devote at a given moment, and more tasks means our concentration is divided.” When you focus on more than one thing at a time you divide your attention in half, meaning you are only half as productive. This wastes the potential you have to excel in