
William Shakespeare Research Paper

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William Shakespeare is a well known author, actor, and all around performer that people continuously discussion, even four hundred years after his death. Shakespeare’s early development in the field of writing and education, as well as his living condition growing up, contributed to his growth as an artist. While modern day Shakespeare is known for his masterpieces, he greatly developed Renaissance history and advanced writing processes that are still used. If Shakespeare had not forged his career in the language arts during Renaissance, curriculums around the modern world and common writing tropes would change drastically. Shakespeare’s developments in the field of language arts pushed for advancement in that same field, which caused a domino effect of improvement in the Renaissance Era, as well as the Modern Era and all times in between. Much of Shakespeare’s life remains speculation, as there are not many detailed records nor many writings about his personal life. During the time period, normal citizens did not have much of …show more content…

Shakespeare introduced many tropes and ideas to the industry that writers of his time would not have devised themselves. His genius allowed the fields of writing and acting to advance far beyond what was comprehensible for the time period. Many modern media are inspired by his works and creations, as well as his established ideas. The aspects of comedy, tragedy, and history he influenced would change dramatically. Literature may not be as advanced as it is now, with plays and acting being far more behind. The things Shakespeare discovered and created would come to fruition much later without his help, and many writers would not have the examples they need to create. Media today is very expressive and clashing, but without Shakespeare pushing the boundaries media would not be nearly as daring as it is now. Language arts would have a completely different

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