Winchester House Research Paper

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History of the Winchester House

Sarah Winchester married well known rifle maker William Winchester in 1862. In 1886 their daughter, Annie, died of marasmus also known as sever undernourishment causing a child to significantly lost 60 percent of normal body weight. Shortly after the death of their daughter, her husband died because of tuberculosis. After the death of her husband and child, Sarah Winchester went into a deep depression. With a large fortune of 20 million dollars, a constant income of a thousand dollars a day and an aching heart, she purchased a home in San Jose, California. The construction on the home began in 1884. She had the house built day and night until she died in September of 1922 at the age 85. The house covers one …show more content…

The Winchester house is not haunted. No paranormal team has come back with hard evidence that ghost live in the homes states. (Erbland 2012, p 1) In fact the Winchester house is haunted. People have heard footsteps in her bedroom, people have full bodies covered in chills, and have even lost vision in their eyes. (Travel Channel n.d, p 1) A group of well know paranormal investigators got the proof people needed to believe the house was haunted. Ghost Adventures investigated the house and heard knocking on the wall, and the paranormal sensors use to track ghost movements went off many different ties. The paranormal team also experienced a seven-degree temperature drop during the investigation. (Travel Channel n.d, p 1) It is very apparent that something paranormal happened that night that is unexplainable and was not able to be seen by the naked eye. The house has had many people come evaluate the paranormal activity. A number of psychics have visited the area of the home and said the spirits are still on the property. (Taylor 2001, p 1) Even well known psychics have investigated the property and said the spirits are still building the home. With all of the evidence stated from well known psychics to paranormal investigators it is very clear that the Winchester house is

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