
Wolf Leaders

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A leader is commonly identified as a person who commands a group. I disagree. A leader is not one who commands, but is one who follows. In packs of wild wolves, there exists a common misconception that the alpha male is the domineer in his pack, however, the alpha male is the protector of the group. Wolf packs travel in distinct patterns. The weaker wolves travel first, setting the speed for which the pack travels while the leader travels behind the rest of the pack, ensuring that no wolf is abandoned by the pack. This metaphor is a prime example of good leadership in its simplest form, as the alpha wolf puts the members of his community above himself. As Martin Luther King Jr. remarked, “A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.” I have acted as a leader in the Notre Dame community by acting as Class President during the …show more content…

Like a wolf pack, we strove to assure that no one was abandoned and that everyone felt that they had a secure place and role in the NDA community. I learned that it is essential for a leader to relinquish control but at times, put in the hard work to finish a task when needed. During the fall of 2016, work needed for the school pep rally was not completed on time and as a school event that promotes the comradery between peers, the pep rally also acted as a symbol of accomplishment for the class of 2019. When the necessary duties were not completed, I sacrificed my time to create needed decorations. I, along with one of the chairs to the Pep Rally Committee, worked for four hours after school to create embellishments for our classes wall and decorated white t-shirts for members of the class that did not make one. After a last minute trip to Party City, the class of 2019 had a banner, a decorated wall, spirit boosters such as beads and noise makers, and matching white shirts and face

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