Women Working In America

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One thing I would like to know about is how the United States is affected by women working. My first question I would like to know more about is when did women start working in the U.S.A. Up until 1840 most women stayed home and worked around the farm or plantations. Many women also worked as slaves or servants. Some women also owned businesses where they worked as apothecaries,barbers, blacksmiths,printers, tavern keepers, and midwives. All of this changed in 1840 when more factories started to appear around the United States. By 1840 ten percent of women worked jobs outside of their homes, whether it was a business or factory. Then ten years later that number rose to fifteen percent. Although women were allowed to work, they were still …show more content…

As of 2012 56.8% of women work in a government position, 43.6% work in retail and wholesale trade. In education and health services 76.7% are women, also in professional and business services 44.3% are also women. Women also work in leisure and hospitality, manufacturing, financial activities, construction,transport and warehousing, media and communication, mining and logging, and lastly utilities. The average for the number of hours women work is 1664 hours. The average for mothers is 1560 hours. Another question I am curious about is how do working women affect the economy? Women working actually really helps the economy. If women didn’t work then the economy would decrease by 11%. That 11% is worth a 1.7 trillion dollars decrease in economic output. The start of women working actually started to help the economy little by little. I am also wondering if women are paid and treated equally. As of 2013 men still make slightly more than women. Women who worked full-time year round made $39,157. Men who also worked full-time year round made $50,033. A study concluded that 90% of women who left their jobs left due to workplace problems of frustration. Most of them quit due to the long hours and the fact that they were mistreated by

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