
World War 1 Overview

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Overview of World War 1: World War 1 was fought between July 28, 1914, and November 11, 1918, and it was known as the Great War, the War to End War, and (in the United States) the European War. Although, the world went to war again in the 1930s and ’40s. It’s casualty totals were groundbreaking, reaching the millions. World War I is known for its complex system of trenches from which men of both sides fought. Lethal new technologies were produced, and for the first time a major war was fought on land, on sea and under sea level and with aircraft as well at the same time. The two sides were known as the Allies or Entente—made up of mainly France, Great Britain, Italy, Russia, and as time passed the United States—and the Central Powers, consisted …show more content…

The rather unusual name of the tank was directly derived from a transport department in the war ministry, notably the department 7. (Abteilung 7 Verkehrswesen) (S. 54/2). The A7V was not only the first German tank, it was also the first fully-tracked built vehicle in Germany itself. I also reach the specifications of this particular tank. The length was 7.35 m (7350 mm) with a width of 3.06 m (3060 mm) and height of 3.35m (3350 mm). The ground clearance was 0.2 m (200 mm) and a track width of 2.115 m (2115mm). It could traverse trenches up to 2 m in width, cross water at a depth of 0.8 m. Climb a vertical obstacle of up to 0.4 m and a climb a slope at 25 degree. The maximum achieved speed was 16 km / h. With two fuel tanks each with 250 liters, it had a range of about 30 to 35 km cross country and 60 to 70 km on roads. Weight of the vehicle with fuel was 16 tons. The weight of the armor was 8.5 tons. The weapons with ammo made up 3.5 tons. And the crew with equipment another 2 tons, thus a total weight of 30 tons. The A7V had a crew of just about 16 to 26 men. In comparison a British Mark V tank had about 8 men. For protection it had a frontal armor of 30 mm, at the side and rear the armor plates had a thickness of 15mm. The top plates were 6mm thick. In comparison the British Mark V had a maximum frontal armor of 16 mm. The armament consisted of a 57mm

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