Write An Argumentative Essay On The Confederate Flag

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Confederacy Controversial The confederate flag was originated during the Civil War and was known as the “Stars and Bars” flag. It was founded on the belief that Abraham would force Southerner’s rights to disown slaves. In today’s time the confederate flag is a very controversial symbol. It had raised so much confusion amongst the nation. Today many people believe the confederate flag symbolizes hate and racism, the flag is in fact a symbol of hate and oppression. Extremist and white supremacist groups adopted the Confederate flag as their symbol, not because of southern pride and culture, but because the flag was used during the Civil War by those who fought to preserve slavery and white supremacy over African Americans. The confederate …show more content…

It is a symbolism of oppression and hatred. On the Ole Miss campus the confederacy statue has had much confusion on many people. The chancellor of the university Dr. Jeff Vitter goes to say, “But many black students, who make up 13.1 percent of the undergraduate class, deeply resent the presence of a monument they believe glorifies a history of oppression, just as conservative white students have fought to keep alive the mementos of the Confederacy. Today the statue is just the latest open wound on a campus covered with the scars of a difficult racial history.” Many students at Ole Miss say another racial turmoil is inevitable. The clash between races has been going on since at least 1962, when the university’s first black student, James Meredith, registered for classes at the Lyceum, an iconic building in the center of campus, built by slaves in 1848. The campus was full of federal troops and marshals who had earlier fought with rioting segregationists trying to prevent the integration of the student body. Recently, white students have petitioned for the return of Colonel Reb, the overtly Confederate school sports mascot, a white plantation owner formerly dressed in a Confederate uniform, that was removed from the sidelines of games almost 15 years ago. They have demanded that the Mississippi flag be flown despite the Confederate symbol it carries, and