Writing 101 Reflection Essay

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I began Writing 101 feeling extreme stressed and apprehensive about my writing abilities. Being raised in Hawaii, learning proper English was not the most important thing in school, adding to the stress was the many years on not attending school and my weak spelling abilities. Taking this course help bring my confidence back that I can complete a paper and express a thought to a person or group.

I took Writing 101 for two reasons, the first reason is simple, it is a required course. The second reason and the main reason is after being in the military/corporate world of working, I have found that being able to submit a report or project in writing helps move your career along. No matter how good you are at your job, if you can’t put your ideas on paper in a simple, thoughtful, and organized way you will never get credit for your ideas.

This course has made me go back to the basics of writing, and completing the basics of writing. The basics include taking notes and planning out your paper. The next step was making sure that my thoughts are planned and structured in a complete sentence format. Developing a transition to an idea and improving paragraph coherence, and crafting an outcome focused on research and theories. Appling the references that support my research and directs the audience to the projected outcome of the paper. Knowing the …show more content…

Almost every form has a limit to characters, making the only creative part is striving to use all available characters with no acromion’s. I would only reference things when it was in accordance with a regulation, any other time I was never corrected. All of this time writing bullet statements and not full blown paragraphs, created an insecure person when it comes to writing a coherent

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