What Does Writing Mean To Me Essay

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Good writing, to me, means the reader can clearly interpret the writing and knows exactly what the writer is trying to say. The words flow smoothly and the topics link together seamlessly. There are great transitions between ideas and there is good use of supporting cases to build upon the greater topic. I can tell my writing is good when I know exactly what I’m saying all the time, I don’t have any weird sounding sentences, and I find little to no mechanical errors. I usually don’t think my writing is very good, so when I read it back over and think “wow this actually pretty good” I know I did something right.

Too be completely honest, I initially signed up for Foundations of Writing knowing I was not quite ready for Comp and figured I’d get another english credit. It’s now just starting to sink in that, if I want to be a successful writer in college, I’m going to have to learn everything I can in this …show more content…

I am nowhere close to where I need to be in order to succeed as a writer in college or in life. I have little knowledge on what I will learn or want to learn in Foundations of Writing, but I do know everything I learn here will be incorporated into my life sooner or later. My goal is not only to become a good writer, but also a confident one too and I hope this class will help me achieve that. I can see myself being the person that throws ideas and thoughts into the conversation, planning that the confusion will be minimized and I’ll have a better understanding of the material. In order for me to succeed I expect the teacher to be able to answer my questions when I’m struggling. I don’t like teachers that constantly ask for updates because if I have a question, I’ll be sure to ask. I’d much rather have the teacher invest her time into other students that need more help, than worry about me. Like I said before, if I need help, I’ll come to