
Writing Class Reflection

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My senior year was upon me and I thought taking a college writing class would be very beneficial for my future. When I signed up for Comp I, I finally felt like I would be able to understand some of the more difficult writing processes. Knowing that a college class would help me handle many different things allowed me to write at a higher level. Taking Comp has allowed me to understand different writing styles and competencies while still enjoying the subject matter.

Establishing an efficient recursive process was one of the tasks I found to be most difficult, but the class has helped me tremendously. I began the class with very little knowledge on the entire process, but with the help of Mr. Russell, I was able to understand all of the things I needed to do. Writing drafts and continuously editing the drafts had always been a struggle. I had never wanted to spend so much time on something because I thought it was a waste of time. After finding an efficient method, I was able to write drafts and edit them very well. While writing my personal narrative, I used some editing strategies that made a huge impact on my grade. I had …show more content…

On my occasions, I was asked to provide in depth evidence of information I was writing about. The process of annotating was one of the more tedious task’s I was asked to perform. I have always understood that giving credit to an author is very important because it is there work, it just ends up taking a lot of time when citing many different sources. As I began to understand the process more, I found myself using some of the things I learned in Comp I with other classes I was taking. During my drafting stages, I would find sources and write side notes on why they are good sources and how I could use them. The benefit I found was that I was able to find a process that would help me with other classes and make me find more reliable sources. Proof of this can be found on pages

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