Ww2 Innovations

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During World War II all the involved countries were going through a bitter struggle. Almost all of scientific research was focused on the war effort. Every country was trying to get the upper hand in technology to tip the scale of the war in their favor. This caused a lot of new technology to be invented during war time, some of which impact the outcome of the war enormously. Many inventions both major and minor impacted the war, however, some of the most important innovations for World War II were radar, advances in military aviation, advances in rocketry and explosives, and the atomic bomb. The radar was a major breakthrough in war technology. Radar utilized radio waves to sense any objects nearby. It was mostly used to detect aircraft …show more content…

Many new concepts were created involving aircrafts for military use, this also included many old concepts that were simply never realized because they were not feasible before the war. During and before the war, many new methods for designing aircrafts were created which allowed for previously impossible ideas to become reality. One of the major ideas utilized in World War II was strategic bombers. Strategic bombers were planes that were outfitted to be able to fly over an area and drop bombs on the land. The British would lead large fleets of bombers to indiscriminately bomb areas as large as cities, this became known as “carpet bombing” ("Military Aviation: Key Innovations."). Another major innovation in aviation technology was the invention of the “thick wing” which gave planes the ability to climb at much steeper angles without losing lift and stalling. The “thick wing” also eliminated the need for a biplane, because it allowed engineers to mount the plane's structural reinforcements inside it ("Military Aviation: Key Innovations."). This was very important for the aircraft designs for war because it made planes faster, more powerful, and more streamlined. The last major design leap for aviation was the Boeing B-29 Superfortress. The Superfortress was a massive bomber made to cause mass destruction ("Military Aviation: Key Innovations."). The Superfortress was …show more content…

The atomic bomb is one of the most destructive weapons ever created by humanity. The newly invented atomic bomb was put to use because Japan would not declare its surrender (“The History of the MIT Department of Physics”). On August 6, 1945 the United States dropped the atomic bomb “Little Boy” on the city of Hiroshima and three days later dropped the atomic bomb “Fat Man” on the city of Nagasaki. This ended with many people dead or dying and was a great tragedy ("Hiroshima Bombing"). However, this caused a decisive end to the war with the surrender of Japan shortly after. In some ways the atomic bomb was the thing that ended the war and without it the war would have very likely gone on. Hopefully there is never another situation in which nuclear weapons must be utilized to bring