
Yang Du: A Visual Analysis

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For a couple of weeks now, in class we have been mimicking a young artist style and design. Yang Du has influenced our task this term, which means that after brainstorming, designing, tracing, painting and then sewing, we will all have our very own, oversized t-shirt, covered with a bold african animal print. This assessment has been difficult and exciting, but in the end I feel as though I could have done better. In the beginning I was looking at other peoples choices and I wanted to be different. I chose an much more simple design, which allowed me to finish painting quickly. However, some of the choices I made along the way were the wrong ones and now I regret them. At the end of this assessment I do feel as though I achieved …show more content…

Wanting this, I had to make a lot of big and small decisions, one that I still majorly regret. When choosing the colours for my piece, I wanted to stick to blues, as this is a very unnatural colour and in Yang Du’s collections you can see her use of pinks, greens and blues. However on the design page this combination of light and dark blue look quite nice. I started painting the dark blue first and managed to get quite a lot of it done in the first lesson. Coming back the next day, I realised that the paint didn't dry very well and had left strikes all over the shirt. I obviously did not like this and thought that I would go away with a few more coats of paint. This was a mistake as a wasted my time repainting all of the blue that I had done yesterday, and it resulted in the exact same way. If I were able to repeat this assessment, I would change my design, that had a subject with more components and also choice a totally defunct colour paint. Other then those decisions, which I know I cant change, I am very happy with then end product because when we started the garment I was very clueless and very worried about the sewing and painting. The assessment was very fun and I would very much do it

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