Zoecar Target Audience

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With respect to market segmentation, IndyCar fans are extremely different than other motorsports fans. This can have a substantial impact on IndyCar’s success. Through market segmentation, Indycar targets a different segment of fans and potential fans. Demographics will play an important role in target new and potential fans and the overall success of Indycar.
Indycar fans are typically brand loyal, well-educated adults, adapt early to innovation and technology, and heavy consumers of TV, print, and radio media with greater discretionary income (James, 2009). They are usually interested in technology, business, imported beer and liquor, and sit down restaurants (James, 2009). Indycar fans could be stereotyped as the social elite of the …show more content…

In terms of longevity, it may be beneficial for Indycar. As the baby boomer generation moves out and the millennials move become a target, Indycar does have an advantage (Wilkinson, 2015). Indycar has multiple characteristics that are valued by millennials. Indycar fans are typically keen on technology, innovation, and protecting the environment (Wilkinson, 2015). Indycar has been quick to adapt and utilize social media and other forms of technology (Wilkinson, 2015). This will allow Indycar to potentially be more successful in the future. While NASCAR identifies consumers mostly through geographic and demographic segmentations, Indycar is able to attract fans based on psychographic and behavioral segmentation (Ferrell & Hartline, 2014). With the older generations dissolving, the difference in fan type will allow future success for Indycar in attracting new millennial fans through the use of technology, social media, and branding itself as being young and hip. A key demographic for Indycar is 25-30 year old males (Ferrell & Hartline, 2014). Indycar success will be determined by their ability to remove obstacles of product design and

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