American Academy of Sleep Medicine Essays

  • Definition Essay: The Importance Of Dreams

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    run with cheetahs, or even meet Beyonce at school while she is singing in the cafeteria. Dreams have been a big topic to researchers all over the fields of science. Scientists of the biological side study the processes that occur in our brain as we sleep. Scientists on the psychological side study the dream on waking life ( hours spent when we are not asleep ). No matter what part of the dream you’re studying, it is all interesting. There are many definitions of what a dream is, reasons we have dreams

  • Han Solo: A Narrative Fiction

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    Sleep. It’s such an incredibly fleeting thing to Han Solo. However many hours of rest does he get to have on a daily basis simply stands as an unknown number. Four hours? Three hours? Six hours? Six hours on his best day, eight hours meant he’s on vacation, and four hours or less meant he has a certain task at hand. In this moment, as he lays face down with his pillow pressed over his head, Han holds no recollection of ever having taken up a new adventure. So far, the mental tally furiously

  • High School Start Time Essay

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    time, which was recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. And with earlier start time come the rising rates of teen car accidents on the way to school. Schools need to start later otherwise the quality of life for teenagers will drop. Start the car, drive down the street, take a hand off the wheel to cover your mouth as you yawn, and get hit by a car. That is the process of a teen car accident when school starts too early and teens do not get enough sleep. “A community in Kentucky reduced

  • What Are The Benefits Of Changing School Start Time Essay

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    PCEP needs to change their start times for the better of their students. If we pushed the school start time back an hour it would benefit everyone. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine say we shouldn’t start school any earlier than 8:30 am. According to, a CDC study found that 85.6 percent of U.S. high schools started before 8:30 a.m. Earlier start times lead to car accidents, depression, and poor academic performance. The whole reasoning behind changing these times is it would

  • Persuasive Essay: Why Schools Should Start Later?

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    supported by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine that links early days to car accidents along the roads, depression among the young teenagers and increase in poor performance academically due to early school days. Teens struggle through the challenge of waking up very early in the morning so that they can be at school at the right time. Research implies that teens should get at least eight to nine hours of night sleep for their good health. Various sponsors such as the American Academy of Pediatrics

  • Persuasive Essay On Why Schools Should Start Later?

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    students need their sleep. Researchers, studies, and sleep scientists show that schools that are starting early are affecting the lives of students. Students are too tired to get up in the morning and some some sleep in class do to lack of sleep. Teens that drive to school get into accidents due to barely any sleep at night. Students should have to go to school later because then there wouldn’t be as much of a problem. Teens that drive to school get into accidents due to a lack of sleep. The SADD and

  • Sleep Deprivation Lack

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    suffers from sleep deprivation. That is 34% of all Americans. Stress and sleep deprivation are often considered the same thing despite their many differences. This unfortunately can result in people taking the wrong course of action when trying to cure themselves of whatever is weighing them down. While sleep deprivation and stress can cause delay in productivity, poorer performance, and are experienced by everyone at least once in their lifetime, they are in fact very different. Sleep deprivation

  • Informative Speech On Insomnia

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    up? Then you are more likely to experience primary insomnia. It may also be due to changes in your home or work environment and schedule. For example, travelers and shift workers often experience difficulty in sleeping because of changes in their sleep patterns and environment. Unfortunately, this form of insomnia may persist despite your return to previous work routine or environment. Secondary insomnia occurs when specific medical conditions or medications lead to difficulty in sleeping. In

  • Sleep Deprivation In High Schools

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    The Huffington Post claims that about 90% of American High School Students are chronically sleep deprived. Sleep deprivation is a serious problem for teenagers, as it can lead to a number of problems. First, there are mood problems like irritability and crankiness. It can also lead to behavioral problems like drinking, driving fast, and engaging in other dangerous activities. Drowsy driving can also happen, with teens at the highest risk of falling asleep at the wheel. However, two of the most detrimental

  • The Consequences Of Sleep Deprivation

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    awareness about what's happening around us. Our brain never sleeps, it still continues to function, although the brainwave rhythms are altered and gradually slow as we approach the deeper stages of sleep. Lack of sleep occurs when we do not sleep as much as we should. Although the need for sleep varies from person to person, an adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep per night, but some people need significantly less. Children and teens need more sleep than adults. If you feel like you're full of energy and you

  • Later Start Time Advantages

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    there are many advantages with a later start time that can’t be argued and would give the answer to helping fix the chronic sleep loss in children with an early start time. The bus schedules would be an easy fix as the district would just plainly need to change the route and the hours of the driver, and would not affect anything and giving the students more time to sleep in(“Eight Major”). A later dismissal would also not affect practices and game times, for example Edina, Minnesota changed their

  • Sleep Deprivation: A Common Problem In The United States

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    INTRODUCTION Sleep deprivation is a common problem in the United States, affecting people of all ages. Our bodies are in a constant state of repair and renewal. Sleeping is a basic human need. much like eating, drinking, and breathing. It can interfere with school, work, driving, social activities, and in general-life. Sleep deficiency causes us to be confused, cranky, and confused. It causes us make poor decisions, misjudge other people's emotions, and have slow reaction times. If you do not

  • The Negative Effects Of Lack Of Sleep

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    Adequate sleep has an important role in the academic performance. Sleep has been a part of one’s everyday life. But currently, the ability to sleep may be intruded by the things that cause stress or maybe one exchange sleep with work or play time (Breus, n.d.). It can affect one’s way of living and how one interacts with things or people (National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, n.d.). To be able to function properly, teens or young adults need about eight to ten hours of sleep (National Sleep Foundation

  • Essay On Sleep Apnea

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    Sleep is crucial to achieving optimum health and well being. It is not enough that we are able to sleep for a specific number of hours. We have to aim for the quality of sleep. Our sleeping habit determines the condition of our physical health, mental function, and quality of life. When your ability to have a good sleep becomes a problem on a consistent basis, you have a sleep disorder. Consequently, a sleep disorder has harmful effects on our overall health. It generally affects our emotional

  • Persuasive Essay On Starting School Start

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    bt. Starting school so early takes a toll on adolescent’s health, sleep schedules, and concentration, which can result in poor academic achievement and safety issues. High schools around the country should push back their school start times in order to provide safe and healthy conditions for students and boost their academic performance. Adolescents need about 8-10 hours of sleep a night in order to be getting a full night’s sleep; however, majority of high school

  • Reflection Paper On Sleep And Sleep

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    opinion was the sleep and dreaming. Ive always liked this topic because it’s the most interesting to me, mostly because the dreaming aspect of sleeping. I thought the luicd dreaming was the most interesting part because I already dream clearly and remember everything from my dream and being able to control and have power over what you dream is so interesting to me. I would like to learn how to do it myself because I don’t think it would be very hard because I already have a sleep schedule and the

  • Restorative Theory Of Sleep Essay

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    Introduction Sleep play an important role in human life. Among the reasons why sleep is necessary for human being are due to biological and psychological needs. According to Ciccarelli and White (2014), sleep is one of the human body’s biological rhythms which is natural cycle of the activity that the body must go through which occurs over a 24-hour period. From psychological point of view, there are two theories of sleep which are adaptive theory of sleep and the restorative theory of sleep. Adaptive

  • Essay On Sleep Deprivation

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    1111 Sleep Deprivation experiments Sleep deprivation is a condition when a person has problems to get enough sleep. Nowadays, sleep deprivation has become a common problem. Sleep plays a vital role in people’s lives because by getting enough sleep at the right times a person can protect his/her mental and physical health. During sleep, your body and mind are resting and it supports healthy brain function and maintain person’s physical health. There are many types of research were made on sleep deprivation

  • Later Start Time In High School

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    Teenagers need on average about 9 ¼ hours of sleep every night; instead only about 15% of teenagers get about that much sleep per night. Doctors all across America are recommending that schools across the nation start school after 8 A.M due to the lack of sleep that teenagers are getting. The lack of sleep that teenagers are obtaining is becoming a very serious issue for students because it is affecting their lives in a very negative way. A later start time for Brunswick High School would be extremely

  • Descriptive Essay About My Heart

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    before you realize what has happened, you know that it’s tragic, sad. Something stirs deep within me. I shut my eyes, desperately wishing I could go back to sleep forever. My heart feels heavy, I don’t yet know why. There is this thing about human hearts; they always know when you ought to feel bad, even if you don’t know. I realize that my sleep will never be the same. I will have to open my eyes and meet my family, who probably waited anxiously the whole night in the hospital. Like hundreds of others