Aum Essays

  • Theme Of Water In Heart Of Darkness

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    The Wasteland, written by T.S Eliot, was shortly written after Eliot read Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. Both authors uses symbols in their texts to create a connection to life, death, fear, and self-reflection. Conrad and Eliot both use the symbolism of water in their texts to create the meaning of life and death. In Heart of Darkness, the symbolism of water is used to create a new life. In the beginning of Heart of Darkness, Marlow asks if his “fellows remember… {when he] turned into a fresh-water

  • Aum Shinrikyo Analysis

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    Aum Shinrikyo began in 1984 as a religious group combining both the Buddhist and Hindu beliefs and is also obsessed with the apocalypse. It was founded by Shoko Asahara, who professed himself to be both the first “enlightened one” and Christ. Aum, as it was often referred to, was officially recognized in Japan as a religious organization in 1989. Asahara chose a sizable universal following through writing books and speaking at universities. Most of his followers were from Japanese universities as

  • Catcher In The Rye By J. D. Salinger: An Analysis

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    Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words in books can kill. The influence of literature is overlooked when it comes to violence. Movies and video games are usually blamed for this type of aggressiveness, but rarely does one point their finger towards a compilation of words on paper. It is forgotten that books hold an incredible power over the mind. Whether it is the power of imagination, the key to new thoughts and ideas, or the development of new emotions, reading can change a person. While

  • Hedge Fund Aum Essay

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    Decline in Hedge Fund AUM? Hedge funds and Republicans have at least one thing in common—media pundits rarely pass-up an opportunity to take a swipe at them when they falter. And hedge funds have faltered. Hedge fund assets under management (AUM) fell below last year’s hard won $3 trillion dollar high water mark. Many would argue that hedge funds have lost their compass but, such an assessment would be unfair. There are three principal reasons behind these losses in AUM and numberless ancillary

  • Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack Research Paper

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    The Tokyo subway sarin attack was a act of domestic terrorism on March 20th, 1995 in Tokyo, japan by members of the cult Amu Shinrikyo. The cult members released sarin on three lines of the present-day Tokyo Metro during rush hour, killing 12 people, injuring 50 people and causing temporarily creating vision problems for nearly 5,000 others. (Foundation) The attack was directed against trains passing through the Kasumigaseki and Nagatacho lines, which is home to the Japanese government. Sarin also

  • Violence In V For Vendetta

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    “I was there. I saw it all. Immigrants, Muslims... Homosexuals, terrorists. Disease-ridden degenerates. They had to go.” As quoted from the dystopian political movie V for Vendetta directed by James McTeique, V believes he is not a terrorist and is a freedom fighter by referring the terrorists as degenerates. With a pursuit of dominant ideology along with government treating him as a huge threat, V is a heroic terrorist in view of his motivation and political affiliation, acts of violence, strategies

  • Personal Narrative: My Trip To AUM

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    I visited by the campus police office here at AUM and I learned a lot of information that I did not know previously. I found out that university police department was a part of the Office of Public Safety. I had always thought they were separate and not together. I also learned that there is an AUM Crisis Assessment Team on campus and this team is here to protect us from people who pose a threat to other people on campus. I leaned that the officers here are certified police officers. At first I thought

  • The Benefits Of Hatha Yoga

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    exhalation is more forceful and rapid, compared to inhalation, which is rather slow and less forceful. The AUM chanting: AUM(pronounced) written as Om, Aum or Omkar is one word mantra and is drawn as a sacred symbol. Aum is formed out of three alphabets, ‘Á’, ‘Ú’ and ‘M’. A stands for Lord Brahma (creation), U represents Lord Vishnu (maintenance) and M stands for Lord Mahesha (destruction). A of AUM is connected at the bottom of the spine, just below the umbilicus , U just above the umbilicus and M affects

  • Inside The Chandogya Upanishad

    651 Words  | 3 Pages

    The origins of the universe There are numerous selective declarations and standards around creation contained inside the Hindu sacred writings. The Sound of Aum The holy stable Aum is believed to be the essential sound on the start of creation. Breaking of an egg Inside the Chandogya Upanishad (a Hindu holy content.) start is characterized as the breaking of an egg. Trimuti Hindus assume that brahman (the main shutting actuality) has 3 highlights and those are appeared through the 3 divine beings

  • Tapestry Of Religion Essay

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    third eye of awareness. This way of expressing spiritual wisdom is the most prevalent in India as its population is 79.5% of Hindus (3). Lastly, the sacred sound Aum (Om) symbolizes the essence of the cosmos and is commonly used in meditation and prayers. Overall the symbols and ceremonies expressed in Hinduism are Puja, Bindi, and Aum Om, giving the people a way to express their faith with themselves or

  • Frog Saves Tokyi Analysis

    989 Words  | 4 Pages

    For the preliminary paper, we were asked to read Haruki Murakami’s short story “Super Frog Saves Tokyo”, which is about an ordinary loan collector, Katagiri, who finds a giant talking frog inside his apartment one night and tells Katagiri that they are going to save Tokyo from a destructive earthquake which will be caused by the Worm. This short story was written originally for GQ magazine, but was published later along with his other short stories in a book entitled “After the Quake”, published

  • My Experience In Group Work

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    very frightening experience. I based the previous sentence on my personal experience because I have seen both the good as well as the bad side of team work. I will share my previous experience in the following paper which I happened to encounter at AUM during the English 100 course. At first to begin with, we were paired up as a group of 4 girls against our choice. It gave me a negative feeling at first because we were put into a group by force and were completely unknown. At first that awkward

  • Mob Mentality In Lord Of The Flies

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    resulted in the boys carrying out atrocious acts. Mob mentality also causes an individual to lose their critical thinking skills, which is seen within friend groups in real life, resulting in individuals going against their beliefs, it’s also seen in the Aum Shinrikyo cult, which resulted in the loss of several lives, and lastly, its shown in Lord of the Flies, as the boys blindly follow Jack’s instructions, and give in to the mob mentality. Finally, a danger of mob mentality includes the adrenaline rush

  • Arson And Threats

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    a bomb in a factory, that factory will probably be evacuated. Operations will be shut down temporarily, even if no bomb is discovered. New Terrorism Since the end of the Cold War and especially in the wake of New York and Oklahoma City bombings and Aum Shinrikyo attacks in Japan (this had special WMD implications), there has been a dramatic shift in the perceived threat of the new terrorism. Although it is not yet the common tactic of most terrorist groups, but the potential makes the danger real

  • Pros And Cons Of Biological Warfare

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    risk. This is not to say that terrorists are not able to build or obtain a nuclear weapon. In reality, many terrorist organizations would like very much to obtain a nuclear weapon, including Al Qaeda, Chechnya-based separatists, Lashkar-e-Taiba, and Aum Shinrikyo (Graham & Dillon, 2010, p. 1). Osama bin laden issued a statement in 1998 declaring that “It is the duty of Muslims to prepare as much force as possible to terrorize the enemies of God” (Graham & Dillon, 2010, p.

  • Christianity And Buddhism Similarities

    312 Words  | 2 Pages

    In these five religions Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism there are many differences but they have many similarities. There are many similarities but we will only talk about a certain few. Some of the similarities are all religions have a “leader”, holy books, and they all have their own symbol. All of these religions have similarities as I listed above. In the following paragraphs we will talk about the similarities that I have listed above. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism

  • The Ransberger Pivot Debate Techniques

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    A description of particle suggestions on how to use each principle.   Second principle: Show respect for the other person's opinions. Never say, "You're wrong." This is called the Ransberger Pivot debate technique. Created by Ray Ransberger and Marshall Fritz, this technique can give you (as a person try to convince) a chance to let the opponent found common ground with you, this increase the chances of influencing him. You can use this technique when a person objects you in a smart way: give him

  • Chemical Warfare History

    427 Words  | 2 Pages

    Chemical Weapons Convention. The two most recent examples of the use of chemical weapons were the sarin poisoning incident in Matsumoto, a Japanese residential community, in 1994, and the sarin attack on the Tokyo subway in 1995, both perpetrated by the Aum Shinrikyu doomsday cult. These two attacks re-focussed international attention on the potential use of chemical weapons by terrorists, and on the dangers posed by chemical weapons.” (N.A, 2015). I think many people still worry that terrorists will

  • Dodd Frank Case Summary

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    1. Dodd Frank law & the implication on Hedge funds After 2011, Dodd-Frank raised the lower bound for hedge funds advisors to register with the SEC to $100 million and also put in place a new category of advisors, called mid-sized advisors. They should have regulatory assets under management between $25 million and $100 million. On the other hand, an advisor to a mid-sized hedge fund does not have to register with the SEC if he is registered with the state where his major office is based. However

  • Cults: The Rise Of New Religious Movements

    2186 Words  | 9 Pages

    New Religious movements are religious organizations that has developed over the past few centuries. In the 1ate 1960’s and 1970’s cults first emerged as harmless religious sectors. Cults are centered around new ideas and new beliefs. The leaders of cults tend to be more educated and have an alternative way of thinking and that is how NRM’s gain followers. Cults are currently known as new religious movements. Cults gained a lot of peoples’ interest by furthering the ideas that others did not want