European Baccalaureate Essays

  • Reasons Why Kim Should Not Continue To Take French Lessons

    466 Words  | 2 Pages

    Kim should not continue to take French lessons. She struggling already with her school work, and for that reason her parents may take her out of the lessons. If she doesn't learn the essentials in school, she won't be able to get a job. If she continues to take French, she still won't be able to get a job because business owners need more education than that. She will never use her French unless someone comes to the US from France and they can't speak English. It is better to be a well-rounded student

  • To Kill A Mockingbird Maturity Theme Analysis

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    Theme: Maturity Leading the reader to the realisation that maturity is one theme the author wants to express, is the presentation of maturity in various shapes and forms. The way Scout describes Jem as “[someone who] had acquired a set of values” (Lee 153) implies the evolution which Jem was subjected to. As it is deductible by Jem’s reaction to the news of Mrs Dubose’s death, how “[he] buried his face in Atticus’s shirt” (Lee 148) and cried, the event impacted Jem enormously, which consequently

  • Jewish Awareness Club Analysis

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    This year, I have continued to achieve academic excellence inside the classroom while continuing to be a leader in the St. Paul’s community. For the first semester, I have earned four A’s and three B’s in the full International Baccalaureate Program (my school will be sending my updated transcript). This winter, I earned the role of the captain of my varsity basketball team. I am a leader on the court and try to set an example for my teammates of how important it is to work hard in all aspects of

  • Benefits Of Lynnette Wentz Deserves The Jefferson Award

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    Lynnette Wentz: Deserves the Jefferson Award Youth need strong, influential leaders because they will help children grow their minds. The Jefferson Award is considering nominating someone who has put others first and taken action to help the community. Someone who deserves this award is Lynnette Wentz. Wentz is a first-grade teacher at Lien Elementary School. She also helps out at Our Saviors Lutheran church. Multiplying Good should give the Jefferson Award to Lynnette Wentz because she is

  • How Does Kristen Niles Deserve The Jefferson Award

    908 Words  | 4 Pages

    Kristen Niles: A Very Logical Candidate for the Jefferson Award The Jefferson Award is an award for mentors who impacted someone’s life forever just like my teacher Kristen Niles did. Mentors need positivity and inspiration and all the good things needed to be good leaders. The Jefferson Award recognizes mentors in their communities. One person worth recognizing for this award is third-grade teacher Kristen Niles. Kristen Niles deserves this award because she demonstrates positivity and she

  • Essay On Ben Olson Deserve The Jefferson Award

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    Benjamin Olson: A Logical Candidate for the Jefferson Award The community needs youth mentors because children need to learn and grow to be good adults, and when with a youth mentor they can also have fun. The reason why the Jefferson Award is given out is that people should be recognized for doing things for others. Someone who is worth introducing is Benjamin Olson. Ben Olson deserves this award for being a great softball coach. He has experience in the sport because he played baseball in high

  • The Importance Of Social Efficiency In Education

    1455 Words  | 6 Pages

    Social Efficiency The intention of the Social Efficiency ideology is to, “efficiently and scientifically carry out a task for a client” (Schiro, 176). For all intents and purposes, the client is society as a whole. Proponents of this ideology believe that knowledge and education provides students with the power to act. In fact, Social Efficiency authority Ralph Tyler said, “education is a process of changing the behavior of people …. Educational objectives, then, represent the kinds of changes

  • S8P3: Relationship Between Force, Mass, And Motion

    639 Words  | 3 Pages

    Maybe you were in class, pondering what in the world the standard S8P3 is all about? Is there a paper I can read for background information? Well, S8P3 is one for the many 8th grade science standards. The standard is about force, mass, and motion. The standard goes in detail about speed, velocity, acceleration, Newton's 3 laws of motion, balanced and unbalanced forces, gravity and friction. As well as the relationship between force, mass, and motion. Force is the first part of the standard. The

  • Humpal Essay '11 Qualities That Every Good Coach Should Have'

    745 Words  | 3 Pages

    Ryan Humpal: A logical candidate for the Jefferson Award Youth need more strong, and more influential leaders because they help with sports, life skills, and becoming better people in general. The Jefferson Award is an award given to people who help in the community and impact people’s lives. An individual worth noticing is Ryan Humpal, Ryan Humpal is an Amery High School science teacher and head football coach and has done this for about 14 years. Humpal doesn’t just

  • How Does Carrie Flesner Deserve The Jefferson Award Essay

    656 Words  | 3 Pages

    Carrie Flesner: A Person Who Deserves the Jefferson Award The reason that youth need a good mentor is so today's citizens have a better chance of a safe and happy future. The Multiplying Good organization is an organization that looks at the positive side of people and awards them for it. Someone who deserves the Jefferson Award is Carrie Flesner. This person is a fourth-grade teacher who teaches In MilwaukeeThe subjects Carrie Flesner teaches mainly math but teaches all other lessons as well

  • The Perception Of Power In George Orwell's Shooting An Elephant

    864 Words  | 4 Pages

    In “Shooting an Elephant” by George Orwell, the author writes about his experience with dealing a rampant elephant in British Colonial Burma. Privilege is usually viewed as a positive attribute, however Orwell explores all of the negatives that privileges can bring, which can be applied to modern day social expectations and politics. In order to highlight its effects on a personal and a widespread level, he uses the rhetorical device of figurative language. The figurative language__________ Throughout

  • Gender Role In Native Society

    794 Words  | 4 Pages

    Gender as a tool of analysis has been effective when analyzing Native societies. Gender roles in Native society inevitably shaped the tribe or band in which Natives lived in. Matrilineal or patrilineal Native societies controlled the daily operations, social hierarchy, religious influence, and the effects colonization had on that particular society based on the foundation. Using gender as a tool of analysis in Native societies, scholars are able to learn more about Natives because of the affects

  • Essay About Mexican Food

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    people. The tortilla is a big part of some of the dishes I named yet I was unaware of just how resilient the tortilla is as a staple of Mexican cuisine. It also came to me as a surprise that chocolate, something that we associate in modern times with European countries such as Switzerland and famous brands like Godiva, actually derived from the native peoples of Mexico. It has been interesting to learn about the ways colonists were able to adopt and adapt the recipes of the people they infringed upon

  • Explain Why It Was Difficult To Settle In Jamestown

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    in a different place? The European settlers wanted to settle in Charlestown. Because they wanted to start a new life and have more land to settle on. But there was problems with other settlers wanting the same land because there were great trade routes and dangerous animals and other deadly things to worry about. So they tried to settle the land of Charlestown and were successful in doing so. Then they had the land of Charlestown and there we problems between the European settlers and other settlers

  • Consequences Of Imperialism In Shooting An Elephant By George Orwell

    825 Words  | 4 Pages

    the ruled. The impact of the British Empire’s corruption during the age of colonialism is an example of these consequences. The British government shows contempt towards its foreign vassals, and the colonists in return feel aversion towards their European rulers. The renowned writer, George Orwell is influenced by imperialism’s ethnical conflicts. Despite being a colonial policeman, he is compelled into slaying an elephant by the Burmese colonists to save both his own, and ironically, the Empire’s

  • August 2026 There Will Come Soft Rains Analysis

    1021 Words  | 5 Pages

    Symbols in the “August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains” by Ray Bradbury In the short story August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains Ray Bradbury focuses readers’ attention on the last day of a smart house. Unlike its owners and other people, the building survived in an unnamed disaster with all its mechanisms and continued to follow its habitual schedule for some time. But it lost the last battle with forces of nature. Symbols in the story depict two different themes: the American dream or its horrible

  • Mintz Sweetness And Power Summary

    933 Words  | 4 Pages

    Sidney Mintz’s Sweetness and Power is a detailed historical account of the discovery, production, and consumption of sugar in Europe. Tracing sugar’s introduction to Europe from the Arab world, the formation of the plantation systems in the Caribbean, to the transformation of sugar as an exotic spice to become a staple sweetener used by all social classes, Mintz argues that sugar is more than a simple commodity perpetuated by the fact that “human beings like sweetness” or exchanged through systems

  • Focalization In Shooting An Elephant

    995 Words  | 4 Pages

    Shooting an elephant, by George Orwell (1936) The internal struggle of George Orwell in regard to his conscience in terms of his stance towards the British Empire and the native Burmese is one of the main characterstics of Shooting an elephant. Orwell himself opposes the British empire, but due to the role he is required to play, as a police officer, his physical appearance indicates that he opposes the native Burmans. His role as a police officer disables him to interact with the Burmans on an

  • Values And Norms In Tribal Leadership, By David Logan

    705 Words  | 3 Pages

    One should protect their culture vehemently. It’s part of our personal and social binding fabrics built off our values and norms. If we do not protect our cultures from outside or internal attacks we risk losing our identities to what we believe and who we project we are. We share common norms and values with other cultures beginning the development of the bonds of trust. But there are limits that cannot be compromised. To build trust, our professional and personal communities must adapt our

  • Imperialism And Colonization Analysis

    1734 Words  | 7 Pages

    Introduction Throughout history, the ultimate desideratum of states was power, and imperialism as well as colonization were an outcome of the competitive pursuit of economic and political supremacy. Imperialism is defined as the extension of control over another state with the purpose of expanding wealth, dominion and influence through direct or indirect alien rule over a territory. Colonisation was the manifestation of this, where the colonial powers owned exclusive rights to the markets and resources