Hadron Essays

  • Pros And Cons Of The Large Hadron Collider

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    The CERN Large Hadron Collider (Or LHC) is a particle accelerator – the largest and most powerful accelerator in the world right now. Located near Geneva, Switzerland, the Large Hadron Collider’s mission is to force particle collisions so that they can be observed. The Large Hadron Collider is twenty-seven kilometres in circumference, and is also located partly in France. There are four main parts to the Large Hadron Collider - LHCb, ALICE, CMS, and ATLAS. LHCb (LHC-beauty) looks for antimatter,

  • Hadron Collider Advantages And Disadvantages

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    The Large Hadron Collider 17|09|2017 – 01|10|2017 By: Rhea Sharma What is the Hadron Collider? The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is known as the most powerful particle accelerator that exists today. After an upgrade, the LHC now operates at an energy which is now about 7 times greater than any previous machine built to date. It is based at CERN 's particle physics laboratory near Switzerland. CERN is known as the worlds largest laboratory and is dedicated to pursuit fundamental science.  The LHC

  • The Controversy Surrounding The Large Hadron Collider

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    The Large Hadron Collider is the biggest and most powerful atom smasher in the world. It was built by the European Organization of Nuclear Research. It took ten years to build from 1998 to 2008. The completion of the LHC was a huge step forward in nuclear research. The main controversy surrounding the LHC is the question of if it may be too powerful. If atoms are smashed fast enough that they could produce a black hole which could expand rapidly and swallow the earth. The atoms are currently

  • Persuasive Essay About Time Travel

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    Have you ever wondered if time travel is possible? If so how would you use it? Space travel has been a question to many astronomers from around the world. According to space.com”We cannot avoid moving into our futures, but we can control the rate that we move through time.” So this is saying that space travel is possible we encounter it daily and it is possible to manipulate it. Overall time traveling would be a huge advantage. It would give us the ability to change our history, save important historical

  • What Are The Pros And Cons Of Nuclear Fusion

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    Nuclear fusion is a naturally occurring phenomenon where the atoms of an element physically merge to form a completely new element. A good example of natural nuclear fusion is the sun. According to the World Nuclear Association, “Fusion powers the Sun and stars as hydrogen atoms fuse together to form helium, and matter is converted into energy… Hydrogen, heated to very high temperatures change from a gas to a plasma in which the negatively-charged electrons are separated from the positively-charged

  • Why Is It Crazy To Still Not Have Actual Scientific Evidence Of How The Universe Was Created

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    theory is the Universe Expansion, Large Hadron Collider, Hydrogen and Helium, and Cosmic Radiation. These are all factors that have influenced the theory of how the universe was once created. Edwin Hubble is known as the man that discovered universe expansion. This is also known as “Hubble’s Law”. He was an American astronomer who is regarded as one of the most important cosmologists of the 20th century. ‘Hubble’s Law’ is known for the velocity of a galaxy

  • The Particle Adventure Worksheet

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    The Particle Adventure Assignment You are to use the Particle Adventure website (http://pdg.web.cern.ch/pdg/cpep/adventure_home.html) and follow the main path. For each page, you are to write one question and its answer. Keep track of the questions in each section because we will share the questions in class. You are also to complete the following worksheet using the information obtained from the website Particle Adventure Worksheet: In the 1930’s, how was the atom described? In 1932, an english

  • Informative Essay: The Seven Wonders Of The World

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    brazil, Colosseum in Italy, Taj Mahal in India, Great Wall of china, Petra in Jordan, and the Machu Picchu in Peru. Those are great things, but I believe we need to dig deeper than that. I believe the Seven World Wonders should be the ISS, The Large Hadron Collider, Christ the Redeemer, Internet, Rome Colosseum, The Great Wall of China, and the Mars Exploration. Those Seven World Wonders truly makeup society today. The ISS (International Space Station) its amazing we have something the size of a “football

  • Death By Black Hole By Neil Degrasse Tyson

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    In the novel, Death By Black Hole, Neil DeGrasse Tyson proves that the common assumption that the color of our solar system’s sun is yellow, is, in fact, an incorrect belief. Many people think that the sun is yellow because, “Near sunset … the blue light from the sun’s spectrum, lost to the twilight sky, leaves behind a yellow-orange-red hue…”(Tyson 293).This shows why this common misconception is not an easy thing to spot and is understandable why most people incorrectly assume the color of the

  • Steven Weinberg's 'The First Three Minutes'

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    Steven Weinberg’s “The First Three Minutes: A modem view of the origin of the universe” is a book that explains how the early universe developed and the key concepts and theories scientists present on the universe’s properties from 0.01 seconds after it developed to modern times (1977). Divided into seven chapters, and an epilogue, each chapter builds on a key concept and explains it in fairly layman’s terms. Weinberg’s writing makes for an stimulating read, as the book covers concepts we learned

  • Peter Higgs Controversy

    270 Words  | 2 Pages

    What the heck is a higgs boson, maybe some type of foreign food? Peter Higgs is a physicist who way back in the 1960’s proposed a new model to explain where mass comes from in elementary particles. Higgs was interested in similar theories at the time such as the Goldstone theory. He in large worked off of the works and theories of other physicists such as Yoichiro Nambu. At the time there seemed to be a fundamental scientific controversy over the theory surrounding this subject. Soon Higgs had concocted

  • Drew Chappell's Sneaking Out After Dark

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    tales of schools for wizards, omnipotent rings and battles between vampires and werewolves, rather than creatively face the real issues of the day and solve them — that one almost suspects the good professor has gained illicit access to the Large Hadron Collider’s Multiversal Viewing Scanner and has actually seen a warped timeline where such a sordid state of affairs is the hideous norm.” I understand this to mean that Filippo is trying to convince his readers that fantasy is about avoiding real-world

  • A Sound Of Thunder Figurative Language And Diction

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    In the past decade, the words leading scientists in quantum mechanical research created the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland. According to the scientists, this particle accelerator was the greatest achievement to date and would give researchers valuable insight into the workings of the universe. Others, however, saw a darker side the the machine. It had the capacity to create black holes, ending life on Earth. Similarly, time travel is a long standing ambition for scientists and fanatics, but

  • Flat Earth Theory

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    community has failed to provide evidence that supports their theory, yet they continue to hold onto the belief. On the other hand, the physical science community has progressed so much to the point that gravitational waves were discovered, using the Large Hadron Collider that had to take into account the Earth’s curvature during its construction. In this modern age of science and technology where we rely on satellites (technology orbiting in space that is capable of providing real-time photographic evidence

  • Explain Why There Are Made Up Of Atoms And Protons

    2011 Words  | 9 Pages

    Everything in the world, all matter that exists, is made up of atoms. Atoms are extraordinarily small. However, there are even smaller particles than atoms. Subatomic particles, such as protons, neutrons, and electrons, were thought to be the smallest particles there were. However, it was discovered that there could be something even smaller. Atoms are made up of two major sections, the nucleus and the electron cloud. Electrons are found in the electron cloud, and the nucleus is made up of protons

  • The Endosymbiotic Theory: Cellular Theory

    1111 Words  | 5 Pages

    Biology Semester 1 Research Project Cellular Process Meagan Baggett 4th Period The endosymbiotic theory explains how eukaryotic cells may have evolved from prokaryotic cells. Symbiosis is a close relationship between two different organisms. The discovery of the endosymbiotic theory took hundreds of years to be considered as real and was eventually it was finalized. The endosymbiotic theory is believed to be first introduced and described by Andreas Schimper in 1883. Schimper was a

  • Atomic Theory Research Paper

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    The Creation: Atomictheory created by Dalton starts with the atom being the smallest particle of an element, protons and electrons, similar to electrons there are Positrons which are the same mass but have a positive charge, are found within the atom creating, a charge of either positive or negative it can also be neutral. The atom makes up a bigger part in our world being the smallest unit of matter it is made up of everything from desks, chairs, to even humans everything is made up of atoms. The

  • Gluon-Graviton Theory

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    the Big Bang is based upon. It provides the scientific community with assistance in solving the answers of the primitive space. Similarly Hubble space telescope solidifies the fact of Big Bang approach. Recently experiments of Higgs Boson in Large hadron collider, comes out handy in explaining the creation of universe from singularity approach. Quadruple approach in this arena is a totally new concept. The concept is designed from the four fundamental forces of nature. This four fundamental forces-

  • Good And Evil In John Connolly's The Gates

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    The Gates by John Connolly is a book about a boy named Samuel who ends up witnessing a “demon-summoning” ritual that actually works… in some sense of the word. What it actually does is opens a gate to Hell and demons take over all of the people who summoned them. After Samuel runs away, multiple times he is confronted by demons who threaten him, but he still needs to try to save the world even if none of the adults believe him. The book is extremely entertaining, and quite hilarious, to the point

  • College Admissions Essay

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    “ I think, therefore I am” These words of Renѐ Descrates, the eminent mathematician and philosopher have guided me throughout my academic career. With the same preseverance and confidence, I am standing at what may be turning point of my life and career. The sheer variety offered by Materials Science & Engineering and my glowing ambition to pursue a career in research have spurred me to apply for doctoral studies in Big Data Analytics. My academic career has flourished ever