Jeanne DuPrau Essays

  • Examples Of Fear In The City Of Ember

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    didn’t care what happened. "That's the solution he keeps telling us about. It's a solution for him, not the rest of us. He gets everything he needs, and we get the leftovers! He doesn't care about the city. All he cares about is his fat stomach!"(Duprau 158-159). His fear of no electricity and hunger made him fear his own people because they would soon reject his false hope. The mayor’s

  • The City Of Ember By Jeanne Duprau

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    The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau is about two kids Lina Mayfleet and Donn Harrow, who fight for survival in hopes to save their city from collapsing and destruction. The city was built because Earth was unsuitable to live in and would destroy all human civilization because natural disasters kept occurring. The City of Ember was built to protect the surviving people with a box timed at the exact date to open with instructions of how to leave in 200 years in the majors hands. Over years of generations

  • Why Did Sun-Li Discontinue Her Counseling Relationship With Marsha?

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    Case Scenario #2 – Sun – Li Why did Sun-Li discontinue her counseling relationship with Marsha? Sun-Li discontinued her counseling relationship with Marsha because she more than likely felt pre judged and pressured. Marsha did not understand Sun-Li’s reason for coming to counseling. Instead of working with Sun-Li to explore why she agreed to come to counseling in the first place and what she was hoping to gain from her being there, Marsha assumed that she knew exactly what Sun-Li’s problems were

  • Changeling Film Analysis

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    Changeling is a 2008 film based on an old American crime story called the “Wineville Chicken Coop Murders,” directed by auteur director, Clint Eastwood. In the film, Angelina Jolie plays the main role of 1920s single mother, Christine Collins, who relentlessly pursues the search of her son, once he is discovered to be missing. Reinterpreting the true story, Eastwood takes the audience of the film on the search with Mrs. Collins, steering her to unfold the true corruption and abusive authority of

  • The Human Condition In Faulkner's A Rose For Emily

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    Many scholars have already analyzed and scrutinized over Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”, but there is always something new to learn. In a quote by Michael Ovitz, he says, “ The generality of situations that humans face in 'getting along with each other and the world'”. He talking about the human condition. William Faulkner was born on September 25, 1897, almost the turn of the century. He was born in New Albany Mississippi, and where he grew up influenced much of his work. Later in his life, he won

  • Beauty In Alice Walker's Gift Of Beauty

    900 Words  | 4 Pages

    ‘’ If I could write the beauty of your eyes And in fresh numbers number all your graces, The age to come would say, 'This poet lies; Such heavenly touches ne'er touched earthly faces.'’ William Shakespeare. Yet even these words hearken images of physical beauty as they defy the convention of glorifying ideal beauty. However, Alice couldn’t accept her own physical disability and this clouded her ability to live life to its fullest. Alice saw things, but she didn’t perceive them. Until the day her

  • Personal Narrative: My Journey (Snowboarding)

    1001 Words  | 5 Pages

    Snowboarding, like any other sport, one must be thinking at all times, analyzing situations, making split decisions, and making quick calculations. Before my trip, I had only flown on an airplane once, never by myself, I have never seen a mountain so big, and I had zero experience snowboarding. If I only knew then what I know now, I would have entered this new experience with more confidence in myself. Before my trip to Utah, I had only flown on an airplane once before, and now I was going to fly

  • Farewell To Manzanar Theme Analysis

    865 Words  | 4 Pages

    to Manzanar Theme In the book, Farewell to Manzanar, by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and James D Houston, Jeanne struggles with finding her place in society after being interned at Manzanar. She tries to be unlike herself and more like the crowd, and because of that something goes wrong. The author uses Jeanne’s and her father’s internal conflicts to portray the theme that not being one's normal self can lead to future consequences. When Jeanne competes for the title of Carnival queen, she decides to

  • Examples Of Social Isolation In The Great Gatsby

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    Humans are and will always be social creatures, they like to stay in groups, chat with others, and socialize with other humans and some might even say that it is necessary for survival. So knowing this, the greatest dilemma one could face would be the separation and social outcasting of themselves from the group. Isolation can be very impactful and dangerous for one’s self, for a glimpse of its consequences authors write tales of separation and isolation which the reader can soak in and understand

  • How Does Jeane Duprau Use Figurative Language

    556 Words  | 3 Pages

    when you hear “The City of Sparks!” Jeanne DuPrau was an author who used vividness and description in her words. Furthermore, The City of Sparks was a book about emberites(People from the city of Ember) and their experience now going to the outside world. Today we are going to observe how Jeanne DuPrau uses imagery, figurative language, and mood to tell a story vividly. First, let us start with Imagery. Imagery can feasibly be known as used quite a bit in Jeanne DuPrau’s books. This tool helps give

  • In The City Of Ember Analysis

    280 Words  | 2 Pages

    In The City Of Ember By Jeanne DuPrau The author created an underground city and it would be hard for someone to live there. The setting helped set up the problem in the story. Just imagine living in an old city and never knowing what is going to happen. In the book there is a city that is underground called Ember, and it is run on one generator for the city. There is a generator room around the middle of the city. They have everything in the city like genral stores and many natural resources like

  • Themes Of The City Of Ember By Jeane Duprau

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    The book The City of Ember, written by Jeanne DuPrau, is a dystopian-fantasy book about a young boy and girl’s, Doon and Lina, journey to escape their dying society. As they start discovering how to leave, they make some surprising discoveries. One of the themes in the story is “You should be careful about who you trust.” In the book, this theme is shown by the boy and girl learning bad things that people they trusted did. Another theme is “Kids can exceed most expectations.” In the book, no one

  • Book Report On The City Of Ember By Jeane Duprau

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    resources. In this book you will learn about them finding a secret message that they need to unlock to get out of the city that is running out of resources. In The City of Ember by Jeanne Duprau The theme of fear is shown through Sadge Merrall using Dialogue, Sadge Merrall running away (Actions), and Symbolism. Jeanne Duprau uses dialogue to show fear. In this scene, he is going into the darkness with no light. He had heard some stories about the darkness having rats as big as garbage bins, but he wants

  • The Theme Of Survival In We Are All Made Of Molecules By Nielsen

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    We all have a survival instinct within us. In the book City of Ember and We Are All Made of Molecules they using survival in their books, but in completely different ways. In City of Ember, they are using it to try and save there world when the mayor is trying to kill them, but in We Are All Made of Molecules Susin Nielsen using it to survive through school and everything in Stewarts life. Everyone has different definitions of survival. What's yours? The author Susin Nielsen is using the motif survival

  • Ember: A Dystopian Society

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    Dystopian Society- nothing is churning. In the book The City of Ember by Jeanne Duprau she indicates that the City of Ember is a dystopian society. The job structure in Ember is a really uncommon way to work, and the lack of knowledge is gruesome, they know nothing! The resources are so low that people find it painstakingly hard to live. Mostly everyone is the same except Doon and Lina. First of all, the job structure in Ember is a roucous. Once the students of Ember are 12 years old, they have

  • Dystopia In The City Of Ember

    274 Words  | 2 Pages

    The City of Ember by Jeanne Duprau shows the view of a Dystopia. The city is dark and occasionally has blackouts. But the streets are not chaotic. The people of Ember accept that. It is almost like it is their way of life. I'm glad that the world I live in is stable. The city was built underground. I appreciate that I have an independence that makes sure I can choose my own fate. In the book, she says that the lights would flicker on and off. The lights in Ember are not that bright. If the world

  • Summary Of The City Of Ember By Jeane Duprau

    870 Words  | 4 Pages

    The City Of Ember Author: Jeanne DuPrau Made by: Uddam Gill 7B About the city of ember The title of my book is the city of ember. It is a fiction book by Jeanne duprau that contains 270 pages. The main characters are Lina mayfleet, doon harrow, mayor cole, looper windly, and granny. Lina mayfleet loves to run and hopes to become a messenger and draws about how the outside world might look like, she also must take care of her sister poppy. Doon harrow is serious and usually focusing

  • City Of Ember Book Reports

    521 Words  | 3 Pages

    The book I decided to read for my January book report was the City Of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau and it is science fiction. The reason I chose this book for my report was because it is a very interesting book with many weird events and details that makes you never want to stop reading . The book makes you feel like you're one of the characters in the book. For many many centuries a very energetic generator has been giving light to an town underground called the City Of Ember. The city is only timed to

  • Anthem Compare And Contrast Essay

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    Anthem by Ann Rand and City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau share an abundant amount of similarity. Both of these dystopian stories share the dangers in not having individuality in their communities and how it leads to people searching for a way to escape. Throughout both of these works there is a loud expression of identity and individuality and why it is important to be oneself. Throughout both stories, they are searching for freedom and in some ways that ties back to wanting identity and individuality

  • Person Versus Technology

    479 Words  | 2 Pages

    In my opinion, the most dominant type of conflict found in the dystopian novel City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau is Person Versus Technology. There are many examples in the book that show this category of conflict. Both of the main characters, Lina and Doon, are part of some conflict that falls into this category. Perhaps the most important conflict that falls into this category is that supplies, like light bulbs, are running out in Ember. For example, when Lina visits Lizzie at the Supply Depot, she