Library catalog Essays

  • Hawaii Public Library System Case Study

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    Public Library System (HSPLS) is a public library that functions as a unique statewide system within the United States, serving the information needs on the islands of: Oahu, Maui, Hawaii, Kauai, Molokai and Lanai. Today the library boasts a total of 50 state library branches with a wide public client base that caters to all age groups, races, and socioeconomic statuses. HSPLS serves as an information organization in both rural and urban areas. Along with the statewide school system, the library functions

  • What Is The First Three Chapters Of Catalog It ! By Allison G. Kaplan

    315 Words  | 2 Pages

    Upon reading the first three chapters of the book, Catalog It! by Allison G. Kaplan, the evolution of the cataloging process was completely astounding to me. I had always assumed that the cataloging process was fairly straightforward; involving organization by genre and then by alphabetization according to the author’s last name. Therefore, it was fascinating to discover that the process of cataloging text could be traced back to ancient Mesopotamia when the people of the city of Ur organized

  • Columbus Metropolitan Library Essay

    750 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction The Columbus Metropolitan Library (CML) is one of the most-used and top-ranking library systems in the United States. The library consists of the Main Library and 20 branches located throughout the city of Columbus and Franklin County. Additionally, CML operates jointly in cooperation with partner libraries in central Ohio to share resources and catalog information. As a top-ranking library system, the CML initiative is to update their aging technology infrastructure through modernizing

  • Evidence Sticker Case Study

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    Karen, it was brought to my attention on a case I recently had that the property record and evidence sticker for the same container did not match. In this instance, I moved an item from one property record to another (per the drop box on the property record work sheet). When that item was placed onto the other property record, it did not put the items in sequential order with the other items in the item tabs on top of the work sheet. I checked the evidence sticker (it is the first to appear

  • Analysis Of The Thomas Nelson Community College Library: Critique

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    Community College Library The Library/Learning Resource Center is multi-faceted offering students a wide range of tools and informational materials needed to be successful in their academic endeavors. The Library/Learning Resource Center provides students with knowledgeable staff and faculty, easily accessible educational materials, Instructional technologies and support services to aid and enhance the overall experience of the student. The evaluation of Thomas Nelson Community College Library, Learning

  • Info 203 Student Report

    1024 Words  | 5 Pages

    Introduction Technology is all around us, and is constantly changing. Librarians must be aware of its constant changes and what it can mean for libraries. Technology is inevitable and part of our daily lives. Hirsh (2015) adds, “All information professionals make use of technology tools in their portfolio of responsibilities, and an understanding of how technology can be leveraged to better serve their communities will help professionals use these tools more effectively. Beyond using technology

  • Informative Speech About Memory

    758 Words  | 4 Pages

    Memory is an event that happens in your life, even once. What is your favorite memory or the memory you can’t forget? I am Joyce Lee, the girl who studies in Kang Chiao International School (KCIS) Later, I am going to share you some of my family members’ memory. They include my mom’s memory, my grandma’s memory, and my cousin’s memory. These memories for them are memorable, and those memories stick in their mind forever. I would like to pass these memories on to my future family. This time, I

  • Maine State Archives Mission Statement

    586 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Maine State Archives is a very interesting and intriguing database. It has around 95 million records of state documents that are kept because of their value to the history of the state. The archives is a bureau within the Department of the Secretary of State and includes mostly government paperwork and records. These records include bills introduced the the Legislature, election results, military records dating back to World War I, census records, as well as many other informative pieces of information

  • Final Synthesis Essay

    585 Words  | 3 Pages

    has impacted those creations from the past such as public libraries. Even with the argument whether libraries can stay useful in the next couple years, I believe that this is the chance for libraries to overcome and adapt to this eras new technology and become more relevant in our lives. The first public lending library in the US was created by Ben Franklin way back in the 1730s (Source A). Being around for a few centuries now, libraries have gone through challenges of the changing world around

  • Koha's ILS: Cost Of Running An Integrated Library System

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    A library must have the ability to develop and adapt to its present community of patrons. The economics of a library’s budget is continuously in fluctuation. Depending on the type of library, a library may only receive funds through donations or possibly through the local government. A larger library such as an academic library may receive funds through the university or from an organization the library works for such as a hospital or research institute. Nonetheless, nearly all libraries must

  • ALA Collection Development Paper

    1316 Words  | 6 Pages

    locations and not combined in a singular document. Therefore, I sought to evaluate a policy that was presented in a more cohesive way. For this assignment, I chose to critique the collection development policy for the Jackson Public School District libraries. Overall, the policy itself is well structured and follows suggestions for the basic criterion that should be included in a policy. These

  • Examples Of Feminist Ethnography

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    observation in the library. My first goal in this assignment was to observe something where I "really expected something to happen." Linnaeus University 's library is a big library. It has three floors. There are number of staff members who always help to the students to find different books as well as to use the computers. All of the university students come here. Some students come here to take books for reading at home and some students prefer to read the books in the library. Every kind of students

  • The Silence In The Library Norm

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    The norm being tested for this experiment is “The silence in the library norm”. This norm is a norm that is followed by everyone once they enter the library however some of the people really don’t follow the norm and the reason for that is just accidental. Something that is unique for this norm is that this silence norm is not actually a rule in some of the libraries however people still follow the norm. When people imagine a library they imagine a silent, and a place to have privacy on doing your

  • History Of The Yuma Territorial Prison

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    use their building until they built a new building for their school. In 1913 yuma high had the first graduating class at the prison. In 1883 there was a library put in the prison which was useful by helping the prisoners read and write before they had left the prison. Also the library had pictures of some of the presidents on the wall of the library and there was information on the walls about the town. What roles, other than a prison, has the Yuma Territorial prison taken on over the years? The prison

  • The North West London Blues Figurative Language

    686 Words  | 3 Pages

    Reading is important for advancing someone’s education. Libraries are one place where people can visit to read without having to buy books. In the article, “The North West London Blues”, the author argues the importance of libraries. Zadie Smith uses imagery, word choice, and emotional appeal to strengthen her argument about the libraries. In this article, imagery is important in enhancing the author’s argument. Imagery is descriptive and figurative language used to create images that can be visualized

  • Chisholm Library Case Study

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    The library will be housed in a new construction on a vacant space which covers a large portion of the 2601-2699 block of Stadium Drive, approximately 0.2 miles north of the Winthrop Rockefeller building. The Winthrop Rockefeller building is located at 2800 Stadium Drive, and currently houses the entirety of the Ranch Management program, including all administrative and faculty offices, staff and student lounges, as well as auditorium-style classrooms. The Ranch Management program has received a

  • The Name Of First Selected Interpretation: Free Access To Libraries For Minors

    968 Words  | 4 Pages

    234-Intellectual Freedom Library Bill of Rights Assignment September 13, 2015 Part One: First Interpretation Name of first selected interpretation: Free Access to Libraries for Minors How can librarians uphold the principles in Free Access to Libraries for Minors? Article V of the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights stated, “A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background or views.” The “right to use a library” includes free access

  • The Student Fear Factor Essay

    1010 Words  | 5 Pages

    Do you ever wonder what college students fears might be? Do you ever wonder what is going through their mind? In the article “The Student Fear Factor” by Rebecca Cox, it explains many different factors that a college student might be going through. The article gives many point of views from other students and what their thoughts about college was. There are some students who either are incoming high school students or are returning which can be a big fear for them the most because they don’t know

  • Examples Of Rhetorical Analysis

    780 Words  | 4 Pages

    creating my rhetorical analysis paper I used all of my typical writing processes. I began this assignment by selecting a commercial that I thought would be the most appealing in the superbowl. After selecting my commercial I did some research at the library using EBSCOhost. I then created an outline on what my paper would be about and pieced all of its parts together. In the future I will try to recieve help earlier on because at first I struggled to understand what the purpose of the paper was. Eventually

  • John Leonard

    464 Words  | 2 Pages

    Most colleges have a library in which scholars are allowed to use and use the resources within. As an online student, going to the college library can be quite the trek. Little known to most scholars, Collin College has a full online library with the same resources as its on campus counterpart. John Leonard is the Distance Learning and Digital Services Librarian at Collin College. In the online orientation, Library Anywhere, Leonard explains that Collin College wants to give online scholars the