Narwhal Essays

  • Narwhal Summary

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    December 2, 1943 USS Narwhal surfaces at Butuan Bay on its 8th War Patrol; McKay family Col. Fertig and his men were waiting at the mouth of Agusan River at Butuan Bay for USS Narwhal to arrive and surface and he was expecting to receive tons of war supplies. Narwhal was on her 8th patrol that left Port Darwin in November 25 bound for Butuan Bay loaded with 90 tons of arms, ammunition, medicine and stores to re-supply Fertig’s guerrillas in Mindanao. Also aboard the Narwhal, twelve operatives composed

  • Informative Essay On Beluga Whale

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    Today’s Issue Lets get to know THE BELUGA WHALE Who am i? I am a whale that is 13-20 feet tall. I am dark grey in appearance when i am born. Overtime, as i get older, i become lighter and lighter until i eventually become fully white. This is why i am also known as The White whale. I live for about 35-50 years on average. (‘Basic facts about beluga whales’, 2014), (Society, n.d.) Where can you find me? I am a fully arctic/subarctic marine creature, which means that i am always in low temperature

  • Narwhal Dragon Research Paper

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    My animal is the OP Narwhal Dragon. It has the long slender body and wings of a dragon with the head and tail of a cartoon narwhal from the narwhal song. It lives in the Arctic Ocean, swimming around in the ocean itself and also swims above the ocean. It is a carnivore with a diet consisting mostly of fish with the occasional polar bear. Its adaptations are its ability to breathe fire, its extreme intelligence, its hypnotic skills, and its amazing razor-sharp horn which blasts beams of pure energy

  • The Importance Of Alpacas

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    Narwhals only have two teeth. An adult Narwhal generally reaches 13 to 20 feet long, not including a tusk. Researchers say that males usually weigh up to 3500 to 4000 pounds, while females weigh up to 2200 pounds. (“Basic Facts About Narwhals”). Male narwhals generally have one tusk, but may have two or none. Narwhal's eat fish, especially halibut. Narwhals mate in March or April in their winter habitat. Narwhals are near threatened, but still continue to

  • Evolution Vs Natural Selection

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    Both the narwhal and dolphin are from the same order, artiodactyla and are believed to have evolved from a common ancestor called the . To determine similarities and difference between the evolution of a species, evidence is shown in the bone structure of fossils

  • Dystopian Dialectical Journal

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    CHAPTER FOUR Less than a light year away, on Earths only moon, sat Colin’s imperial mothership and inside it, Colin on his throne. The empires chief scientist, Simon, is sitting down pondering during a time in which he was supposed to be at work. He stared down at the Earth, with a sad face, “Those stupid asses,” he muttered. Logan, Simon’s assistant, simply didn’t know whether to respond or not to, for Simon often did talk to himself. Right before Logan could say a word, Simon continued with

  • Polar Bear Melting Ice Caps

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    impossible. This creates an empty niche in the northern ecosystem. (Williams et. al. 2011) While making it difficult for the polar bears to hunt, shrinking ice caps make it easier for orcas to move further north and reach new food sources such as narwhal and seals. The implications of this new shift of the major predator in the region could be catastrophic. (Williams et. al. 2011) Food scarcity has always been a challenge for polar bears but now the challenge is even greater due to increased competition

  • Literary Analysis Of Call Of The Wild

    598 Words  | 3 Pages

    Call of The Wild Literary Analysis “Buck got the frothing adversary by the throat, and all was sprayed with blood when his teeth sank through the jugular” (London, 30). This quote is from the novel Call of the Wild by Jack London, which is about a domesticated dog named Buck who goes from nothing more than a house pet to a primordial beast that rules over the Yukon during the Alaskan gold rush of 1897 through various dramatic experiences with many different masters. The theme survival of the fittest

  • The Pros And Cons Of Wildlife Protection

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    There are several legislations governing wildlife protection in United State. Among them are Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA), Lacey Act 1900, Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), Eliminate, Neutralize and Disrupt (END) Wildlife Trafficking Act. US is also a signatory to Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). The widely recognized and best-known wildlife protection law in US is the ESA which has currently listed approximately 2,300 species including foreign species.

  • Ocean Whaling Research Paper

    348 Words  | 2 Pages

    in Open Ocean. Pregnancy range from 9.5 to 17 months, the newborn baby is able to swim almost immediately. There are 2 major groups. Toothed whales include 2 families, the beaked and bottlenose whales and the sperm whale, the white whales and the narwhal. They catch fast-moving prey and they have a single blowhole and wide throat. Toothless whales, there are 3 families of baleen whales, the right whale family, the gray whale family and the Rorqual family is the most familiar of the large whales. They

  • Why Do You Think Whaling Should Not Continue No Matter Their Culture

    525 Words  | 3 Pages

    Japan does not want us to lecture them on whaling as it apart of their culture, that cultural practices are worth preserving, regardless of the great cost to the environment. I believe that whaling should not continue no matter whose culture it is a part of. Whaling is a detective way to resource food and it should not be continued. Mr Hayshi”, the now minister of whaling programs in Japan has been stated for saying such things as “criticising whaling is a cultural attack, a kind of prejudice against

  • Comparison Of Cetacea And Modern Whales

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    Cetacea are one of the most unique orders of mammals. They include the largest marine animal that has ever lived which is the blue whale, the intelligent dolphins, the tusked narwhals and the singing humpback whales – almost eighty living species in all. Even though a lot of hunting has been done to the family of Cetacea, observations has been dictated that its number are slowly increasing. The oldest fossil whales are grouped together just for the convenience of others. Archaeocetes are the oldest

  • Essay On The Battle Of Midway

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    The Battle of Midway took place near the small American outpost at Midway island and is considered the most important battle in the Pacific. The battle took place over four days between June 4th and June 7th in 1942. The Battle of Midway was the turning point in WWll between the United States and Japan. Despite great losses, the U.S. was clearly victorious . The U.S. actions helped them regain control of the Central Pacific for the U.S. The advance machinery in the Battle of Midway contributed to

  • Nunavut Culture

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    The northern parts of Canada consisted of the Northwest Territories, the Yukon and Nunavut. We usually refer to these people as “Eskimos”. But did you know that the term"Eskimos” is a term that they never use? They call themselves Inuit which means The People. Their culture is so diverse from the rest of Canada. They are extremely creative and very smart. Art and music is a very big part of the northern culture. Their tapestries, carvings and jewellery are world renowned. In Nunavut their art infuses

  • Whale Research Paper

    602 Words  | 3 Pages

    grouping is paraphyletic. The whales comprise the extant families Cetotheriidae (whose only living member is the pygmy right whale), Balaenopteridae (the rorquals), Balaenidae (right whales), Eschrichtiidae (the gray whale), Monodontidae (belugas and narwhals), Physeteridae (the sperm whale), Kogiidae (the dwarf and pygmy sperm whale), and Ziphiidae (the beaked whales). There are 40 extant species of whales. The two parvorders of whales, Mysticeti and Odontoceti, are thought to have split apart around

  • Evolution Of Bears Essay

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    grass, fruit, insects, roots, and bulbs. They will hunt small animals and brown bears specifically, when near a coast, will feed on fish, particularly salmon. Other bears, like the polar bear scavenge for carcasses of the beluga whale, walruses, narwhals, and bowhead whales. Different types of bears live in different climates. For example, The brown bear can live in deserts, mountains, forests, and ice fields. Other types of bears can live in the rainforests, tundra, and even medows and coastlines

  • The Inuit Tribe

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    Have you ever had a sibling or somebody else ruin the things you were doing or the way you do things? Native Americans understand this question because it happened to them hundreds of years ago. Before the Spanish and British came to the Americas, there were almost 300,000 people in North America. These Native Americans were from Eurasia, Africa, and even Australia, and had their lives ruined by western explorers and settlements. The Native Americans were the first people in North America and likely

  • Socialization In The Movie Elf By David Berenbaum

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    socialization play a large role in his life his elf family “Papa elf” encouraging him to participate in elvish things despite him being human and eventually reaching human size. Buddy’s peer groups consist of normally inanimate objects and talking narwhals, which although normal in the North pole is not a part of human society. He is also

  • Meaning Of Food Essay

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    Meaning of Food Consuming food is not only getting nutrients but also gaining symbols and meanings of foods. In Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin's "Aphorisms of the Professor," he said "tell me what food you eat and I will know what kind of person you are" (Bauer 68). This means that food culture is what we eat, how we eat and why we eat it, and we can find those through what type of food they eat. Food is a factor that can describe us and the food we eat determines who we are as a person. Our food

  • The Innu Diet

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    seas turn into ice. This climate is one of the harshest on earth. What was the Innu diet? In the winter the Innu needed the food for survival. So they hunted caribou, seal, walruses, beluga whales, musk oxen, artic fox, artic hare, polar bears and narwhals. Summers were spent fishing and hunting caribou in the inner regions of the artic. In the winter seals were the dependent source. Hunting and fishing was harder during