Partner dance Essays

  • Multiculturalism In Ballet

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    Conclusion This study about Multiculturalism in Classical Ballet Companies Nowadays has revealed that multiculturalism is a complicated term. If multiculturalism can be denoted as the coexistence of diverse groups that share different cultural and ideological backgrounds, classical ballet companies can be defined as multicultural. Historically, already in the middle of the nineteenth century, when Marius Petipa emigrated to Saint-Petersburg and introduced in his masterpieces such as Swan Lake, the

  • Explain The Key Takeaways From This Course Latin American Social Dance

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    Brian Hernandez DNCE 065A June 16, 2023 What are your takeaways from this course, Latin American Social Dances? One of my key takeaways from this course includes learning the importance of mentally and physically opening yourself up in order to get that same energy reciprocated. For instance, when learning a majority of the partnered work, I found it easier to retain the information once my partner and I established a sense of comfort. Additionally, another key takeaway from this course involved learning

  • Gl Consulting Case Summary

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    years at GL Consulting (‘GLC’), Tim Hertach, a junior partner, learned about the “Proposal to Enhance Value,” the new revaluation proposal presented by two other GLC partners. Hertach immediately questioned the new structure, which provides senior partners, who compose 20% of the firm, with 80% ownership of the firm with huge windfalls, and more disconcerting, it leaves the other 80% of partners trying to pay for it. Specifically, junior partners would have to invest about 80% of their annual bonus

  • Advantage Of Dance

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    “Oh la la la …..bebe on board??? …. Dance your way thro’ pregnancy”. Dancing & Pregnancy. “Dance ,when you’re are broken open. Dance ,if you’ve torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of fighting. Dance in your blood, Dance when you’re perfectly free” This was said by Maulana Jalal al – Din Rumi (Rumi), a 13th century Persian poet, Islamic Jurist and theologian. When I read this quote, I was reminded of an advertisement that I came across stating “Belly dancing classes” for Pregnant women and

  • Nutcracker Dance Performance

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    I went the performance of The Nutcracker by Ballet West. The theme of the concert was the Nutcracker/Christmas. I saw this concert because I wanted to see a Christmas dance and a profession dance with profession dancers. Before the show started they dimmed the lights in the audience and when the show started they lit the stage up. The costumes in the show were a mouse in a normal mouse costume, a bear in a normal bear costume, the snowflakes in light blue dresses, the snow queen and king where dressed

  • How Did Louis Chenevert Contribute To Society

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    Louis Chenevert's contributions at UTC. Louis Chenevert was the chairman and the chief executive officer of the united technologies corporation[UTC]. He was born in the year 1958 in Canada. The united technologies corporation is a $63 billion company, with its headquarters in Hartford, Connecticut. The UTC is a company that deals with the research and manufacturing of high technology products. Louis became the president of UTC in April 2008 and chairman in 2010 through an election. In March 2006

  • Scottish Country Dance Research Paper

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    country dance class, I did not have a concrete opinion over the dance and really did not know that to expect. The only thing about Scottish culture that I was familiar with was that they were best known for their bagpipes, which I know sounds very broad and uneducated. I can admit that I had no understanding about Scotland and mistook it for Ireland for most of the part. When I first heard “country dance”, I visualized people gathered either tap dancing or locking arms and twirling around a dance floor

  • History Of Salsa Music

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    Salsa is a dance that is popular among people from the Caribbean, and among native Spanish speaking people. Salsa music is actually influenced heavily by Spanish, European, and African music. Anyone that is familiar with Salsa music will certainly agree that this is very true. It is thought that Salsa music originated with the Latin community in New York. The fact is that Salsa popularity has risen considerably over the years. Today, the Salsa music is also a favorite outside of the Latin community

  • Waltz Vs Cook Island Dance Essay

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    The 19th century marked the year European couple dances started with the Waltz. Cultures that had arranged marriages did not have a couple dances tradition. It is one of Europe's most sought after fantasies that everything is perfect as long as you are with your partner. Ballet and the Waltz have similar personas as the motions and steps are quite similar along with the gentle and soft style. Women wear flowy long pastel gowns, while the men wore tight legging styles pants with white calf high socks

  • College Essay To Dance

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    Everybody is motivated to dance for different reasons. One of the main reasons is because they have a real love and passion for it. Training to be a successful professional dancer isn’t an easy thing to do. It takes a lot of dedication and determination. There are so many different techniques to learn. Being apart of the audience can be almost as much fun as being in the show. Some people dance to relieve stress and tension. Some dance because it is a great and natural way to exercise. Others aspire

  • Essay On Gerald Graff Hidden Intellectualism

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    Dance might be just a movement of a person’s feet and body for others. But to me, it means more than that. Dance is an art, a way of expressing your thoughts through your body involving perfect posture, unstoppable practice, and confidence. Gerald Graff’s, “Hidden Intellectualism” mentions that intellect does not only exist in academic form of thinking. Non-academic subjects should be apart of intellect because knowledge can also take the form of street smarts. It was during summer vacation

  • Picture Bride Poem Analysis

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    ‘Minsok Chum’. Since the ‘Minsok Chum’ is an upbeat dance it will matches the emotion the most than any other dance forms. The middle part of the dance will focus on expressing the journey of picture bride utilizing Taiji and Zen dance movements that are slow. When I describe the journey, the Zen dance walk will be a useful base movement to express picture bride’s physical movement from Korea to Hawaii. I will utilize Taiji because it is slow form of dance which will be useful for the expression of picture

  • Semba Vs Merengue

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    impact on my life. One of them is Semba (a touch of the bellies), a traditional type of music and dance from Angola, and the other is Merengue a type of music and dance originating in the Dominican Republic. Watching Semba and Merengue closely I noted that their music are different, and the dance of semba seemed to be controversy of it music, Semba usually describe sad facts through lyrics, but it dance describe sensuality and happiness. Merengue in other hand is always a festively genre, but still

  • Argentinaan Tango Essay

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    and lives of immigrants coming to Argentina. This is why it incorporates cultures like African, which are not represented in traditional dances. The African component came from the freed slaves at the tie living in Argentina. Because they were an integral part of society, they became an integral part of dance as well. Today the Argentinean tango has many both dance and music references that can be liked with Africa and African culture. The Argentinean Tango originated in Buenos Aires in 1850. It was

  • Dorothy Jemison's The Bonnie And Clyde Ballet

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    props they used as a part of their dances. An example would include when Clyde is in prison and they used the hammers to dance with them. They also used the cell door as a prop to add to their dancing. Clyde and Bonnie used the cell door in their dance number. Bonnie used the cell to help her jump across or she would slide down the cell door. The chain gang numbered showed how the dancers how to dance as one because they were chained as one. I thought that dance scene was really great. Also the car

  • Salsa Dance Summary

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    originates in New York buy has strong Latin American roots especially Cuba; the roots of Salsa depend on the genre’s. The kind of Salsa we know today also has percussive roots in Afro-Cuban and Afro-Caribbean tribal dances. It is most similar to the Cha Cha Cha, which is a traditional Caribbean dance or the Mamba, which is from Cuba. There are many different types of Salsa dancing some of which include Cuban Style, New York Style, and Columbian Style. Columbian Salsa has quick foot work-like most types of

  • Belle Dance Research Paper

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    red-haired girl with freckles on her face, while Belle had blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Both of the girls ' names meant beautiful. Belle 's name was French, while Bella 's name was Spanish. They were both sophomores in high school. They had been partners in ballet ever since they became best friends. They first met each other at a bookstore. They grabbed the same book at the same time. The book was about different positions in ballet. They apologized to each other, and both bought a copy of the

  • Comparison Of Belly Dance And Waltz

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    Belly dance and the Waltz are two very different types of dance. The origin of the name Belly dance came from the French term “danse du ventre” which means dance of the stomach. It includes complex moves of the torso. Although it came from French terms, it’s an ancient Egyptian dance that originated in India over 5,000 years ago and spread through the Middle East. Some believe it’s a religious dance that was performed during fertility rituals and has to do with celebrating childbirth. Since there

  • Crystal Pite Dance Analysis

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    Pite, use movements throughout the dance that produce a visceral response from the audience. The performance begins with the two dancers partnering blissfully; they initiate their movements from the upper body and stay connected in some way. For these reasons one can conclude that the two dancers are comfortable, have a relationship with each other. The swaying section was brought to a complete stop when the woman collapses to the floor moving away from her partner. The man rushes over to her seeming

  • Personal Narrative: Mats In High School

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    area where we can set our bags down. We set them down in one of their gyms. And in the gym, they have fourteen mats places for teams to practice on. Every team goes to these mats do a quick warm up, go over tumbling, and stunting, and along with the dance. Then you hear loudly the director say "Performing, on deck, or in the hole." Each team gets a number, and the number that is given to the team they will be performing. So we got our number. Couch and the girl go to into the main gym where