Phylum Essays

  • Comparison Of Phylum Cnidaria And Jellyfishes

    304 Words  | 2 Pages

    Crayfishes are part of the subphylum Crustacea, and are part of the Phylum Arthropoda. Phylum Arthropoda have a bilateral body symmetry which means the body is divided into similar external right and left halves. The tissue organization of Phylum Arthropoda have three tissue layers, ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm; thus it is triploblastic. The body cavity of the phylum is coelomate meaning its organs are lined with mesoderm. Phylum Arthropoda embryonic development is protostome which means that the

  • Flatworm Research Paper

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    Writing assignment #3 Phylum Platyhelminthes, known as flatworms, which also include the Planarian. Animals within this phylum are the first organisms to evolve by having bilateral symmetry, meaning that their body is equally divided into left and right halves. Also by becoming triploblastic organisms, having three different tissue layers, the endoderm (inner layer), ectoderm (outer layer) and mesoderm (third layer) these structures will be the base for the adult body. They lack a body cavity and

  • Earthworm Observation

    518 Words  | 3 Pages

    Observations: During the dissection, there might have been a few things observed. Two main observations that may have been noted was the change of colour and ring like segments. It may have been noted that the back and front side of the earthworm consists of two different colours. The back side of the earthworm is referred to as the dorsal side and the front side of the earthworm is referred to as the ventral side. A distinct observation is the fact that the ventral surface of the earthworm is a

  • Phylum Chordatic Research

    558 Words  | 3 Pages

    1. The Phylum Chordata consists of chordates that are defined by the four fundamental characteristics that they possess such as the pharyngeal gill slits, muscular post-anal tail, dorsal, hollow nerve tube and the notochord (Department of Biology 2008). However, the adult humans lack two of these significant characteristics, which are the post-anal tail and the notochord. Furthermore, humans are classified as chordates due to the similarities within characteristics. For example, humans posses the

  • Phylum Cnidarian Research Paper

    345 Words  | 2 Pages

    Phylum Cnidarian a. Feeding Cnidarians have only one opening called the gastrovascular cavity. This is where the food enters and the waste leaves. Cnidarians are hunters. They paralyze their prey before putting it in their mouth. To cut, and stick to their prey, Cnidarians use their nematocysts. Their Nematocysts contains toxic chemicals to kill whatever they are hunting, their prey. b. Digestion Digestion begins in the gastrovascualr cavity. This cavity is a digestive chamber. Digestion in this

  • Essay On Sexual Reproduction

    1000 Words  | 4 Pages

    Sexual reproduction is most common type of reproduction among the plants and animals. They are of following types; 1) Syngamy: The fusion of gametes takes place completely, if male and female gametes are produced by same cell or organism and both gametes fuse together to form a zygote, this is called as Autogamy, paramecium is its example. Another is Anisogamy in which some organisms produce two types of gametes. Both types of gametes differ from each other in their shape and size and are known

  • Comparing The Phylogeny Of The Sea Otter

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    physical attributes of the living being. The present framework incorporates eight noteworthy positions: Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species. Each known life form is arranged into these positions. In this paper, we will look at phylogeny of the Sea Squirt and the Sea Otter, and furthermore investigate the UCMP site. Part I: Sea Squirt List the Kingdom and Phylum, for the sea squirt

  • Comparing Echinodermata And Mollusca

    777 Words  | 4 Pages

    Echinodermata and Mollusca is the two common phylum in the kingdom Animalia. Echinodermata consist of five large classes which are, class Crinoidea, example feathers star, class Asteriodea, example star fish, class Ophiuroidea example, brittle star, class Echinoidea, example sea urchins and the class Holothroidea, example sea cucumber. Phylum Mollusca consist of six major classes, which are Monoplacophora, Gastropoda, Cephalopoda, Polyplacophora, Scaphopoda and the last class which is the Bivalvia

  • Five Kingdoms Of Life: The Five Kingdomss Of Life

    561 Words  | 3 Pages

    The five kingdoms of life are monea, protista, fungi, plantae , and animalia, which include animas like clams. Within the Animalia kingdom that are different groups, each which are called phylums, and clams are considered in the phylum group known as mollusks. Mollusks which derive from the latin word mollis, means "soft". In the world ther are 1500 different kinds of mollusks whome are grouped into six different classes. One of these classes are called bivalves, which are aquatic mollusks

  • Zygomycota Essay

    821 Words  | 4 Pages

    Zygomycota Structure - They have Cell walls which are made of chitin-chitosan. Zygospore which are mature has thick walls. Description - In the kingdom of fungi they are very small group and they are the Phylum Zygomycota.They can reproduce asexually or sexually with the help of process cis a classification that encompasses many dialled conjugation.In the classification of Zygomycota you can see many dfferent species and they all have a genome structure which are different. Characteristics

  • Compare And Contrast Octopus And Moon Jellyfish

    1241 Words  | 5 Pages

    Cephalopods contain chromatophores which are pigment sacs that change color to match their surroundings. They are the only phylum to possess an active image generating neuromuscular system (Hochner, 2004). They are perfect for camouflage against predators since they are soft-bodied and vulnerable to other mammals. There are 5 different sacs of chromatophores including black

  • Reptile Evolution In The Cenozoic Era

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    Mesoeucrocodylia) from the Paleocene of north‐eastern Colombia: biogeographic and behavioural implications for New‐World Dyrosauridae. Palaeontology, 54(5), 1095-1116. Phylum Chordata – Vertebrates Reptilia. (2015). Retrieved 28 August 2016, from Rhodin, A. G., van Dijk, P. P., Iverson, J. B., & Shaffer, H. B. (2010). Turtles of the world, 2010 update: annotated checklist of taxonomy, synonymy

  • Duckweed Frog Essay

    364 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Yellow Tongued Duckweed Frog descended from the Green Frog. Both of these frog species are part of the Animalia Kingdom. They are heterotrophs, they depend on other organisms directly or indirectly for food. Phylum - Chordata. The Yellow Tongued Duckweed Frog belongs to the Phylum Chordata. All chordates have something in common, which is their main feature, the notochord. The notochord is a rod that supports the nerve cord. This is a bundle of nerve fibers which connect the brain with the

  • Sepia Apama Essay

    732 Words  | 3 Pages

    Australian Giant Cuttlefish are in the following taxons, being ordered largest to smallest, Animalia, Mollusca, Cephalopoda, Sepioloida,Sepiidae,Sepia, lastly Apama. Their scientific name is, Sepia apama coming from their genus and species. Sepia apama is found about 100 meters under water around the southern coasts of Australia and Tanzania, in the seagrass beds of these coastal waters. Sepia apama typically eat small like crabs organisms called, crustaceans, and small fish. Sepia apama has predators

  • Discuss Convergence In Animals Providing Examples From Both Arthropods And Vertebrates

    756 Words  | 4 Pages

    Discuss convergence in animals, providing examples from both arthropods and vertebrates. (discussing convergence in the phylum arthropods with examples from within this phylum and likewise for the vertebrates.) Convergent evolution is the process in which organisms which are not closely related derive akin traits separately due to the need for adaptation to similar environments or ecological niches. There may be resemblances at a phylogenetic level, but the basic DNA sequences are different. Morphologically

  • Differences And Similarities Between Bullfrog And Crayfish

    478 Words  | 2 Pages

    The bullfrog and the crayfish are similar and different in many different ways. To start off the crayfish is in the phylum arthropoda, they are invertebrates, and they can be classified as a cheliped which is a shellfish with one large claw and one tiny claw. Bullfrogs are in the phylum chordata and they are vertebrates. Both animals can be found in streams and ponds but bullfrogs can also be found in marshes but crayfish cannot. Bullfrogs reproduce externally which is when the egg is fertilized

  • Animal Ass: Website Analysis

    441 Words  | 2 Pages

    a) The scientific Latin name of the animal Ass is Equus asinus. The scientific Latin name for the Mosquito plant is called Agastache cana. b) Ass- Phylum: Craniata, Class: Mammalia, Family: Equidae, Order: Perissodactyla Mosquito plant- Phylum: Anthophyta, Class: Dicotyledoneae, Family: Lamiaceae, Order: Lobata c) The animal Ass is generally located in the southwestern region of North America. d) The type of audience that the website is intended for are biologist researching distinctive characteristics

  • Quantitative Research Synthesis Essay

    401 Words  | 2 Pages

    Among 268 participants, 54.2% were women and 41.4% had weight excess. Stratifying according to dietary pattern, 66 were strict vegetarians, 102 lacto-ovo-vegetarians, and 100 omnivores, and groups did not differ according to male-to-female ratios and age (Table 1). The frequencies of weight excess [26% (95%CI 15–37) versus 38% (95%CI 29–47) versus 55% (95%CI 45–65), pre-diabetes [21% (95%CI 11–31) versus 29% (95%CI 20–38) and 36% (95%CI 27–45)], and hypertension [18% (95%CI 9–27) versus 26% (95%CI

  • Sea Wasp: Box Jellyfish Organism

    611 Words  | 3 Pages

    chosen is the Sea Wasp, which is a species of Box Jellyfish (Cubozoa). The Sea Wasp is classified by eight different groups within its taxonomy, which are the: domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. The Domain of this specific organism is Eukarya, the kingdom of the organism is Animalia, the phylum of the organism is Cnidaria, the class of the organism is the Cubozoa, the order of the organism is the Chirodropida, the family of the organism is Chirodropidae, the genus of

  • Summary Of Consider The Lobster By David Foster Wallace

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    In David Foster Wallace's, "Consider the Lobster", he comes at a topic of animal cruelty. Writing this article for a food magazine, Gourmet, Wallace knows the audience his is writing to is most likely not interested in thinking about the way the animals are treated before they consume them. Using a number of techniques, he gets his readers to at least just think about this topic, without trying to persuade them to quit eating meat. Wallace implies ethos using sophisticated language and pathos using