Plankton Essays

  • Hot Topic Plankton Lab Report

    810 Words  | 4 Pages

    Hot Topic Post Lab II Marine plankton are often mislabeled by many marine researchers. Originally, scientists classified them as either phytoplankton (primary producers) or zooplankton (primary consumers). However, recent studies reveal that these organisms are not a dichotomy, but rather a single class of multifaceted plankton. These mixotrophs acquire both plant and animal like characteristics and are very abundant in the earth’s oceans. Mixotrophic plankton are responsible for almost half of

  • Diatom Or Plankton: What´s A Holoplankton?

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    Holoplankton—the species which live as plankton for their whole life span—are often eminent in marine food webs. A large amount of holoplankton are phytoplanktonic, namely diatoms and dinoflagellates, though there are still some which are zooplanktonic, such as copepods (Anderson). Focusing on the holoplanktonic phytoplankters, diatoms are known for being “the most productive photosynthetic [plankton] organisms” (Garrison and Ellis 400), and are a prevalent form of phytoplankton. Due to both of these

  • Yellowwood Lake Lab Report

    1099 Words  | 5 Pages

    Distribution of Plankton in Yellowwood Lake Introduction: Over the duration of two lab periods we collected an assemblage of plankton and tested whether plankters are actively moving or are passive in bodies of fresh water. While working in paddleboats on the Yellowwood Lake in Brown County, IN, we assembled a collection of samples of protists, rotifers, and arthropods. Before starting our study we produced a null hypothesis: plankters are passive. This null hypothesis predicts, where water is mixing

  • Plankton Lab Report

    2192 Words  | 9 Pages

    Plankton is divided into phytoplankton and zooplankton. Phytoplankton consists of algae, diatoms and dinoflagelata. Zooplankton are usually composed of rotifers, copepods and cladocera (4). Plankton organisms drifting any live in the pelagic zone (upper limit) of the ocean, sea and fresh water. Plankton is considered one of the most important organisms in the world, because of a lack of food for aquatic life. Based on the observations, the abundance of plankton on substations 1 is

  • Plankton Research Paper

    1372 Words  | 6 Pages

    A question that many wonder about is why is phytoplankton important? Plankton is revealed by ocean color and help show scientists where ocean currents provide nutrients for plant growth. They also help show where pollutants are poisoning the ocean preventing plant growth and where changes in the climate of the ocean are occurring. Plankton is also the foundation of the oceans food chain. As phytoplankton begin to grow and multiply, small fish eat them, then the larger animals begin to eat those smaller

  • Plankton Factory Research Paper

    317 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Keepers from the Plankton Factory are being charged with child abuse. Esperanza Mendoza the leader of the Convent in San Lois caught the Keepers beating up children and duct taped one other children. Some kids testified against the Keepers. Most of the kids say that Jorge Martinez had beaten some of the kids that work there. Fidelito Lopez states, “I was there, Jorge had grab a cane out of a closet and he was going to beat me with it, but Matt had came out and took the cane from Jorge. After

  • The Effect Of Plankton During El Nino Events

    574 Words  | 3 Pages

    to the incoming of El Nino. They went off the coast of Chile twice every month, using the same methods each time they were in the water. In the results found, as they continued to study the temperature of the water, they also looked at a specific plankton species in the area, Calanus chilensis. They found, there was a higher production, biomass, and overall number during an El Nino event than without an event. These

  • Plankton Activity Postlab, Questions And Answers

    989 Words  | 4 Pages

    Plankton Activity Postlab 1) Apply 2.5: Use mathematical and/or computational representations to support explanations of factors that affect carrying capacity of ecosystems at different scales. Explain how the abundance of phytoplankton in the pond depends on the abundance of an abiotic resource such as nitrogen. - Phytoplankton are the producers in the pond. Species of organisms in ecosystems have their own carrying capacity relative to other species, and carrying capacities are determined by

  • Similarities Between Krusty Krab And Spongebob

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    loving animated character and considered a “good guy.” Unlike, Plankton the small, evil sea creature that is considered a “bad guy” because he always tries to bring down the “Krusty Krab” just to steal the “Krabby Patty Formula.” Another thing is that, Spongebob is this guy that works for Mr.Krab’s burger restaurant but, at the same time he goes to school, hangs out with his friend Patrick, and owns a pet snail. On the other hand, Plankton in a daily basis comes up with ways to bring down the “Krusty

  • Why Is Spongebob Innocent?

    744 Words  | 3 Pages

    restaurant, and that they had an argument, and that he became so angry he quit his job and left. However, Mr. Krabs was still alive when SpongeBob left the restaurant. We learned that Plankton paid off the pineapple loan. Why would he do that and where did the money come from? The defense contends that Plankton is somehow involved in the death of Mr. Krabs. We will prove to the jury that SpongeBob SquarePants is innocent of this murder.

  • Villain In The Inheritance Of Katherine's

    804 Words  | 4 Pages

    The villain is an archetypal character showcased in plenty of storylines, whether it’s a book, movie, or a Television show. The villain is a person who represents sin, and tries to stop the protagonist or hero from succeeding. In the book The Abundance of Katherine’s, by John Green, The Other Colin portrays the villain. Colin an ex child prodigy, also the hero of the story, goes on an adventure with his best friend Hassan after being broken up with by a girl named Katherine. This Katherine that

  • Comparing The Birth And Development Of A Jellyfish

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    Jellyfish have stinging structures located in specialized cells called cnidocytes. They use these cells to inject their prey and capture food. But, most jellyfish don’t have specialized cells. Jellyfish aren’t actually fish, they’re plankton. But, like most plankton, they are single celled. They

  • Mr Spongebab Persuasive Essay

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    Connor Nakao Mrs. Wilson Core 3 April 6, 2023 Cooking Up Death Careless. Dangerous. Murderous. Guilty. Mr. SpongeBob SquarePants is all these things. On the night of April 1, 2022, Mr. SpongeBob SquarePants ferociously and ruthlessly executed Mr. Krabs in a fit of murderous rage all because the innocent Mr. Krabs couldn’t afford to give him a raise. The jury will see that the defendant Mr. SpongeBob SquarePants is 100% guilty because the murder weapon clearly points to SpongeBob, he didn’t get

  • Sea Otters Essay

    1720 Words  | 7 Pages

    Sea otters are in danger. Sea otters have had problems for years because of being hunted for their fur. In fact, they were hunted to extinction in the area, but they were reintroduced in 1969 (“Olympic”). Sea otters play an important role in the coastal ecosystem, and they call the kelp beds home. Sea otters are another predator in this marine ecosystem that has been identified as a “keystone’ species (Stolzenburg 62). They also eat sea urchins, so this influx could benefit them. However, not all

  • Water Turbidity Lab Report

    432 Words  | 2 Pages

    oxygen since the lake has a population of fish and probably algae and plankton. II. INTRODUCTION We collected water samples from the Amazon Lake and Giraffe Enclosure in Zoo Miami, which was used to determine how much Turbidity and Dissolved Oxygen (DO) is in our water samples. Turbidity is the measure of clarity of any kind of liquid, and materials that can cause water to be highly turbid can be organic or inorganic matter, plankton, algae, etc. Turbidity makes water look cloudy or opaque. Dissolved

  • Pros And Cons Of Zebra Mussels

    309 Words  | 2 Pages

    year? 5 billion!? The zebra mussels are an invasive species that came from Europe to the states. They attached to boats and traveled there. Zebra mussels are a big problem because they cost the economy lots of money, eat up almost all of the plankton, and they hurt aquatic life. My first reason we should rid of the zebra mussel is because they cost the economy lots of money. According to the article Zebra Mussels by MNDNR, “Zebra mussels can be a costly problem for cities and power plants when

  • Why Is Phytoplankton Important

    582 Words  | 3 Pages

    Why is it important for oceanographer to study phytoplankton? Plankton is found all over the planet, these are organisms that live in the oceans. They are very small and they can’t swim very well against current. Many plankton organisms are either a plant or animal and planktons are consider the most important organism of the ocean. One of the most important categories of plankton are phytoplankton which are small plants that are only visible by using a microscope. Phytoplankton plays an important

  • The Impact Of Oceans On The Ocean

    2061 Words  | 9 Pages

    wealth) However, at the moment, humans are the ones destroying it. Human activities such as fishing, coastal development and urbanisation have been threatening the ocean for decades, affecting many marine species such as sharks, turtles, and even plankton .People cannot just keep taking from the oceans. It is time to give something in return. One really important marine animal that is threatened by human activities is the shark. According to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, sharks are some of

  • Quagga Mussels: A Change In The Great Lakes

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    liters water per day. Positively it has helped Lake Michigan’s water clarity which people like said Dr. Bootsma. The last couple of years it is 15-20 M clarity while in the past it was around 8-12M, twice as clear as it use to be. quagga mussels eat plankton making the This seems all well except water clarity allows more sunlight to the bottom letting algae grow like wildfire. The algae washes up on shores and destroy the beautiful of the beaches. This also has a side effect on the economy. A nuclear

  • Why I Want To Be A Marine Biology Essay

    870 Words  | 4 Pages

    myself, and my work. I have heard that it takes hard work. It takes hard work because you must take good science and math classes, you need to take these classes to get into a “solid” four year college. In college I hope to do more field research on plankton and how the ocean is being affected by humans. As stated, I have heard, imagined, and know a few things about what it takes to be a marine