Sailing ship Essays

  • How Did Mesopotamia Able To Build A Sailboat?

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    By: Alex DesMarais 2/8/17 Mesopotamian Sailboats Introduction Did you know that the ancient civilization known as Mesopotamia had made another type of boat before the sailboat? These types of boats were new to the civilization, so picking materials for the sail and the itself was crucial. They also had to figure out how to build this miraculous invention. There were also so many reasons for needing to have a sailboat in Mesopotamia other than something simpler. So, them materials for the sail and

  • The Moor In The Elizabethan Era

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    There were two ways a Moor could be characterized in Elizabethan era literature; one could be either a “white Moor” or a “villainous black Moor” . Literally, being a moor meant one was a muslim from northwestern Africa, but, in this era, being moorish had very bad connotations and attributes. White Moors often held respectable military or governmental positions and were portrayed diplomatic and civil. On the other hand, black Moors were depicted as lustful, savage barbarians and were even feared

  • How Does Charlotte Holme Change Throughout The Novel

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    “A sailor… chooses the wind that takes the ship from safe port… but winds have a mind of their own” This is one of the things Charlotte Doyle, age 13, learned as she voyaged to her home in Providence, Rhode Island, in the novel The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi. Raised in the 1830’s and destine to become a lady, Charlotte Doyle endured many changes through out her 8 week voyage. When Charlotte first set sail on The Seahawk she believed she was better than the crew because she was a higher

  • Abby Mermaid Research Papers

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    Abby Sunderland Essay - Cody #4 Abby Sunderland is a teenager that has been sailing her entire life and wanted to sail around the world solo, to be the youngest to do it. 16 year old, Abby Sunderland, should not have been able to sail around the world by herself. One reason why she should not have been able to sail around the world by herself is because she wasn’t prepared with the right equipment, such as, the kind of boat she had. The boat Abby had was a racing sailboat, not a boat

  • Personal Narrative Essay: Swimming At Norway Lake

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    Swimming at Norway Lake Every summer, my family and I go camping. There is a special place that we always go to, it is Norway Lake Campground. There has never been any incidents where I would say that it is unsafe or boring, until this on summer day. It was the summer of 2008, it was beautiful out. The birds were chirping, children were laughing, and you could feel the sun tingle on your skin. This was soon ruined by a horrid moment on the beach. It was a tradition that everytime we camped at

  • The Confessions Of Charlotte Doyle

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    CORE QUESTION: Charlotte comes to a painful realization in this chapter. What factors converged (came together) to create this realization? What does Charlotte decide to do as a result? In chapter twelve of the novel The Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi, the protagonist, Charlotte comes to the painful realization that “all the horror [she]’d witnessed had been brought about by” her, herself (pg. 102). The combination of factors that converged to create the realization that the captain was

  • Starry Night Visual Analysis

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    Analysis of the Painting Foremost, the humanity represented by Starry Night over the Rhone is much brighter, as evidenced not only by the brightness of the windows, but the depths at which they are reflected on the river. Furthermore, the darkness of the sky is brighter than in The Starry Night, which, in the latter painting, is a symbol for depression. In the distance, the lighter blue is seen by some critics as the first signs of morning. It is important to note that here the optimism comes from

  • How Did Blackbeard Influence Pirates

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    career in the navy and became a pirate. During this time Blackbeard used his knowledge as a privateer to become a professional at robbing ships as stealing valuable items. During his career he caused sailors to stop sailing and even took over entire cities which caused him to be famous 300 years later. Edward Tech, or Blackbeard spent most of his life attacking ships along the Outer Banks. As a young adult, Blackbeard was a privateer in Queen Anne’s Naval system. Like many other privatters he cut his

  • Somalia Pirates Research Paper

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    crew, ship and also the cargo for the ships, sailing in and around the piracy areas. We will also explain about the research objective, the current situation faced by the seafarers, the scope and the limitation of our study. Background of study: “Piracy” is as old as the shipping industry and even many films has been produced on pirates. The term ‘pirate’ means the one who steals or robs something from a ship at

  • Why Is Captain Kidd Bad

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    particularly ruthless, but simply a privateer sailing for the British crown. Privateering could be considered a lawful form of piracy; privateers were given permission from the crown to seize enemy ships, whereas pirates pillaged illegally and as they pleased. Captain Kidd was a respectable mariner commissioned by the King to hunt pirates in the Indian Ocean, however, his investors got angry when he did not show any profits. Also, due to disputes among merchant ships and the accidental killing of one of his

  • The Seahorse Research Paper

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    Cawdor, Patriot, Elizabeth, Mariner 3rd, Triton and William troop transports that sailed from Dover on the 26th bound for Ireland,, according to Naval Intelligence. The Boadicea and Fox were transporting the 82nd regiment to Cork, while the other ships were transporting the 16th and 35th regiments and the 2nd Garrison Battalion. The Harmony, John and Eleanor transports also sailed to Plymouth: the Britannia for Ostend and the Ulysses and Britannia transports with troops to Calais. The Brig Boadicea

  • Sir Francis Drake Research Paper

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    on in life, like many other pirates. In 1567, Drake started working with his cousin, John Hawkins, as a slave trader in Africa. Hawkins and Drake were captured by the Spanish in the Mexican port of San Juan de Ulúa. The two men escaped on their own ships. Sadly, many of their men were killed in this battle. This whole incident is what sparked Drake's hatred for Spain and Spain's king, King Philip II. A few years after this, In 1572, Drake got a commission from Queen Elizabeth I, which gave him the

  • Creative Writing: The New England Colonies

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    “The new England colonies are famous for ship building so we’re quite lucky that we live here”, Taylor said to me. Taylor’s sister, trying to help picked up the smallest crate and stacked it in the back. I turn towards the ship and screamed as loud as I could to Taylor. The ship set sail with her 8 year old sister on board. Taylor is frightened with the thought that she might not see her sister again. “Ashley!” shouted Taylor. I turn towards the ship sailing off and see Taylor’s sister, frantically

  • Monologue From The Odyssey

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    encounter with the Lotus-Eaters. I could not trust my crew; my men were so drunk on the lotus that they could not have told the flower and their wives apart. But I now curse myself for not paying closer attention to the ship’s wheel. After hours of sailing, we came upon a peaceful sea. Helios was shining bright, like a phoenix just reborn, and the wind was in our favor. I let myself doze, and left one of my most trusted men at the helm. He later confessed to me that he had left his post to drink with

  • Why Did The Vikings Able To Sail The Open Sea

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    Viking boats and ships were greatly advanced in the late 700’s AD. At this time people from Norway and Denmark were able to sail the open sea. There greatest travelling was done by their beloved long boats. These boats were good for sailing the high seas all the way to other places were that the Vikings could release the wrath and be able to attack, steal the run quickly. It was a boat that evolved from one-man canoes of the Scandinavian Stone Age, through wood-built ships of 200BC into the recognizable

  • Personal Narrative: My Visit To Cedar Key

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    For the extra credit assignment, I decided to visit Cedar Key. I chose Cedar Key because it is the closest coastal town to Gainesville. During my visit to Cedar Key, I explored the charming city center. I also visited the state park which contained a museum and the Whitman home which allowed me to learn more about the history of Cedar Key. In 1770, Cedar Key was chartered by Bernard Romans, a Dutch engineer who also mapped the entire coast of Florida.Not long after many things began bustling

  • Shipping Act Of 1984 Essay

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    Written by Tania Vela Transportation Law Professor Melasky October 26, 2015 The Shipping Act of 1984 The United States Shipping Act of 1984 describes the law covering water transportation in the US foreign trade. The bill was later amended by the Shipping Act of 1998 but it still contains current regulations and is an important part of current shipping. The the Shipping Act of 1916 was replaced by the Shipping Act of 1984 by President Reagan. This bill allowed the Federal Maritime Commission

  • What Happened To Captain Kidd

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    any pirates or French vessels. Since he was out on the water for so long, about a third of his crew died of diseases and the others began to get angry due to their lack of success. Later in August of 1697, Kidd attacked a convoy of Indian treasure ships which was not part of his enterprise with Lord Bellomont. He also murdered a gunner named William Moore, which was another act of piracy on Kidd’s part. Kidd’s luck turned around for a little amount of time in 1698 when he capture the Queddah Merchant

  • Captain Phillips Essay

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    What does one do when their ship is being taken over by Somali Pirates? Richard Phillips a captain of MV Maersk Alabama cargo ship experienced this question during the movie Captain Phillips made on October 11th, 2013 based on a real life experience in April of 2009. He was a captain for several years but on the voyage from Salalah, Oman to Mombasa, Kenya was a different experience for him. Richard Phillips was usually a shy guy but very prideful about his job. On this voyage, he showed many strong

  • A Single Shard Analysis

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    A Single Shard and “Orphans’ Lonely Beginnings” share the experience of two orphans. A Single Shard reveals a fictional character who was raised by a single male. On the other hand, “Orphans’ Lonely Beginnings” reveals a non-fictional orphan who has been raised by many parent figures who have brought him back to the orphanage. Even though neither of them were raised by their biological family both had a great family in the end. The fictional character known as Tree-ear in A Single Shard and the