Specular reflection Essays

  • The Perception Of Power In George Orwell's Shooting An Elephant

    864 Words  | 4 Pages

    In “Shooting an Elephant” by George Orwell, the author writes about his experience with dealing a rampant elephant in British Colonial Burma. Privilege is usually viewed as a positive attribute, however Orwell explores all of the negatives that privileges can bring, which can be applied to modern day social expectations and politics. In order to highlight its effects on a personal and a widespread level, he uses the rhetorical device of figurative language. The figurative language__________ Throughout

  • Symbolism In A Grain Of Wheat

    5596 Words  | 23 Pages

    INTRODUCTION A symbol is a rock dropped into a pool: it sends out ripples in all directions, and the ripples are in mot ------ John Ciardi, in Kennedy and Gioia (2007:238). Ciardi’s standpoint above not only encapsulates what a literary symbol denotes but also its multiple functions in literature. The metaphor ‘rock’ delineates the conspicuous disposition of symbol, as well as its inherent literary power. The ‘ripples’ or avalanche of significations are the direct result of its presence within

  • Service Learning Reflection Report

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    unique service and the group members are from at least two different departments. In this reflective journal, I will first describe and express my feelings toward the whole learning process in this subject then the following will be my evaluation and reflection towards this whole learning process. Among this subject, I will choose several remarkable gains to elaborate in depth. At the beginning of this subject, we are divided into groups and my group consist of eight people which five of them belong to

  • Imagery In Quiñone's Apophenia

    791 Words  | 4 Pages

    The word “Apophenia” means, the spontaneous perception of connections and meaningfulness of unrelated phenomena. Quiñones reveals disturbing truths about intimate relationships through imagery, episodic line breaks, and emotional undercurrents. The result is an unsettling poem on the realities of a toxic intimate relationship. The use of first person in Apophenia gives an intimate perspective into the life of the main character. The speaker shares vulnerable revelations that reveal the disturbing

  • Passion Flowers With Three Hummingbirds Analysis

    1969 Words  | 8 Pages

    Before going to the San Antonio Museum of Art, time was spent searching their website to get an idea of the paintings displayed. One stood out to me online, however it wasn’t until seeing it in person the magnitude of the true beauty of the painting. Martin Johnson Heade’s, Passion Flowers with Three Hummingbirds, exudes something special to visualize not only for its bright floral colors, but the heart of the painting is the three hummingbirds in their natural element. Nature and wildlife has always

  • Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening Summary

    698 Words  | 3 Pages

    thing every day. The way Monte describes it is the same way I view reflecting on the past. That it “seems to be just that pausing and reflecting on experience help us re-enter life with a new understanding and sense of direction” (Monte Par. 1). Reflection can be viewed as the overall message or theme of the story for that being he goes into the forest and pauses life and looks back on the past. Since I

  • Driscoll Model Of Reflection Analysis

    1147 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Driscoll model of reflection gives a framework for reflective writing, allowing ideas and situations to be analysed and interpreted for personal and professional growth and development (Bostock 2015), therefore I have applied this approach in reflecting upon my experience in the group presentation. What? The beginning of our group presentation started with a conversation where we all gave our opinions and ideas on what we could do the presentation on and how we would go about it. The idea of

  • Simulation Assessment Reflection Paper

    2686 Words  | 11 Pages

    1. Description: In this reflective assignment, I will discuss my experience participating in a simulation assessment with a client named Mrs.Ivonov about her son Alexander. During the simulation, I played the role of the social worker and was tasked with conducting an initial assessment with the client to better understand their needs and develop a plan of action. Throughout the simulation, I asked the client a series of questions to better understand their situation and needs, and provided information

  • Personal Statement

    948 Words  | 4 Pages

    Many times, individuals derive inspiration and a sense of direction by looking back. This involves evaluating new approaches that were considered in the past in order to establish what worked and what did not work for a given situation (Peterson, 2017). Looking back helps a person understand what they have learned so far with respect to their past experiences. It is basically returning to a learning experience. It also entails recapturing an insightful event. Personally, working with younger children

  • Using Shon Reflection In Action And Action

    951 Words  | 4 Pages

    In this reflection of my observation I am going to use the Shon reflection framework. This framework is reflection in action and then reflection on action. I have decided to use this reflection framework as I feel to make real sense of the observation I need to gain a deeper understanding to make progression. As my last observation showed that I had made a vital mistake when deciding when to move on, this reflection will allow me the experience to be confident in this process. Barentsen and Malthouse

  • Rhetorical Devices In The Walking Dead

    1012 Words  | 5 Pages

    Part I: Rhetorical Device - Identify a Rhetorical Device the author uses in his writing. Cite from the text (including paragraph #). The author of this piece, Jeremy Egner, voices his opinion countless times throughout the entirety of the article. Therefore, a rhetorical device noticeably evident is opinion. An opinion is a conclusion based on facts or judgements. An example of this device in the article is within paragraph 9 as Egner states, “I saw no compelling reason the cliffhanger device was

  • Reflective Writing In The Workplace

    906 Words  | 4 Pages

    medical institution which is a crucial role that must be considered and performed carefully. Reflection writing for me was an insightful process I found myself looking in-depth into these topics addressed but I was also able to take into consideration the thought process in order to understand from what point of view the literature around this topic has been written. According (Laruner, 2015) Reflection writing allows for

  • Borton's Model Of Reflective Practice

    551 Words  | 3 Pages

    Borton’s model (c1970) focusses on reflection within two key aspects one being the retrospective thinking –reflecting back– and the other being the prospective thinking –reflecting forward. Reflection is defined as “Reflective practice is the ability to examine one’s actions and experiences with the outcome of developing their practice and enhancing clinical knowledge. Reflective practice affects all levels of nursing, from students, to advanced practice nursing students, as well as practicing nurses

  • Social Work Reflection

    1496 Words  | 6 Pages

    Reflection is a vital part of social work education or practice. Reflection allows for serious thought and consideration regarding past experiences. Those thoughts and considerations can then be used to better yourself in multiple different ways. Over the past semester, I have reflected on my personal social identities and socialization experiences regarding gay men who reside in America. I have also reflected on different aspects of diversity through participation in weekly discussion posts. These

  • How Reflections Have Helped My Practice As A Graduate Clinician

    623 Words  | 3 Pages

    Reflections allow for self-improvement in clinicians. Over the past three semesters, I have reflected with each of my clients with my supervisor. The reflection process is a great tool that can be used to generate ideas, develop concepts, identify what inspiration comes from, and indicate what you can take forward to inform your future practice (The Research Journal). In addition, the ability to reflect upon a session can give a clinician on the client’s progress or lack of progress. This paper will

  • Donald Schon's Model Of Reflection On Behavior Management Skills

    752 Words  | 4 Pages

    Professional reflective account I have chosen to use Donald Schon’s (1983) model of reflective practice to reflect on my behaviour management skills. I feel this was the most suitable model of reflection as it allowed me to reflect-on-action. REFERENCE I have worked at a local school in the reception class for the past three years; each year the number of children in the class has increased and this has influenced the frequency of unwanted behaviour. The current class contains children of mixed

  • Reflective Feedback

    996 Words  | 4 Pages

    The review of literature explores in depth the purpose of feedback, the concept of directive feedback and its significant values in writing. The types and effectiveness of feedback in writing is the central focus of this research. While some teachers may feel discouraged as students seem to ignore their feedback (Hairston, 1986), while other teachers think that their feedback is useful (Leki, 1991). However, students may sometimes feel frustrated and confused when reading their teacher’s recommendations

  • Contemporary Teachers Role

    1651 Words  | 7 Pages

    Introduction In education, professionalism is getting more important. The importance of contemporary teacher role is demanding in the societies. Hargreaves (2000) explained that the four ages of professionalism and it should be the quality and standards of practice. Teaching is the only way to change the societies that teacher should help students to develop on the right track (Morris, 2008). Beforehand, Miss Wong, Mr. Tam and Mr. Chan, three current teachers who were represent from Music, Visual

  • Personal Narrative Essay: Taking A Trip To Mexico

    711 Words  | 3 Pages

    Over the Border Every year my family decides what to do for the holidays and where to go. Most of the time I have no say in it because my uncles insist on visiting or they invite us over. It doesn’t help that all of my family lives in Texas, California, and Mexico. This year has been the first time that we have spent Christmas and New Years here at home with just my family in a long time. Last year we took a long trip to Chihuahua, Mexico which is the biggest part/state of Mexico where my mother

  • Situated Learning Theory

    1115 Words  | 5 Pages

    Learning Theory by David Kolb and Situated Learning Theory which was theorized by Lave and Wenger. Experiential learning occurs by making sense of direct everyday experiences. Concrete experiences provide the information that serves as a basis for reflection. On the other hand, Situated Learning Theory is learning in the same contexts in which concepts and theories are applied. Research has shown that real-life applied activities and problem-solving activities establish a contextual setting for many