Taekwondo Essays

  • Taekwondo Discourse Community Essay

    975 Words  | 4 Pages

    English 111 2/23/2023 Taekwondo and the Discourse Community Around It What comes to your mind when you think about martial arts, especially taekwondo? Taekwondo's direct translation is tae meaning to kick with the foot, Kwon to punch with the hand and do to follow a path of discipline. Naturally, most people assume kicking, punching, and board breaking are all that goes on in the sport. Shockingly theirs a plethora of written language through the sport of taekwondo. Taekwondo has a multitude of communities

  • How To Write A Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Research Paper

    2551 Words  | 11 Pages

    Martial Arts Martial arts started to get developed thousands of years ago especially in Japan and Korea as a system of combat and self-defense. In those times when man versus man warfare was much more common than it is now, a grip on martial arts gave one a significant advantage over his opponents. This advantage of course was a matter of life and death. As a means for self-defense, the martial arts have helped many souls tread the earth with a little more ease. While this latter aspect

  • Persuasive Speech: The Benefits Of Learning Martial Arts

    1250 Words  | 5 Pages

    Martial arts are known as the ultimate self-defence mechanism for not only kids and teenagers, but for adults and old men and women too. Most people nowadays think that martial arts are just a type of sport. But, whoever learns martial arts knows better that martial arts are more than just a type of sport. It cannot be denied that martial arts can give negative side effect if it is used in the wrong way, but, there are more advantages than disadvantages in learning martial arts. So, everyone should

  • Taekwondo History

    879 Words  | 4 Pages

    The history of Taekwondo is an interesting subject. It’s roots go back thousands of years, yet, it became an art in 1945. But, before you learn about Taekwondo’s history, let’s dive into the country’s history. Early Korea began in 2,333 B.C. The national founder, Tangun, founded “Old Korea” at Asadal. As legend has it, Silla was founded in 57 B.C. by its founder Bak Hyeokgeose. Koguryo was founded in 37 B.C. by Jumong. Last, but not least, Baekje was founded in 18 B.C. by Onjo. In reality, those

  • Personal Statement

    497 Words  | 2 Pages

    I have an interest that is a lot of me. I am a 3rd degree black belt in shaolin kempo karate. this is part of my identity. this trait is part of who i am and without it i'm not sure who i would be. I have been doing karate since the age of 4. I got into karate by my parents and brother. my older brother joined martial arts at school as an after school program with our future studio. as he went through the program with some of his friend he fell in love with the art. he was at the age of 9 and

  • Tang Soo Do History

    506 Words  | 3 Pages

    It is important to know the history of the art. Although its origin and many other karate styles are very obscure.The information about Tang Soo Do holds much of the background behind what we practice. History is the base of our forms and arts and where they began is quite the argument. To know how Tang Soo Doo began and how it came to the States is very interesting. Without knowing the history of the art, I would not have known that Chuck Norris was apart of Tang Soo Do. To see the core of our beginnings

  • Spartan Training Research Paper

    762 Words  | 4 Pages

    My bruised arms ache as they wrap around the cold pole…SLASH!! I feel a burst of pain on my back as the whip hits me yet again. The trainer pulls the whip back and hits me across the face and my mouth fills with blood. My body gets tense, and I think, Why are they doing this to me? I’m only 7-years-old. Before the whip strikes me again, I faint. The spartans wiped wiped the young Spartan boys for cruelty and entertainment. The training methods in Sparta tested the boys limits and were on a daily

  • Karate Research Paper

    589 Words  | 3 Pages

    When I tell people I do Karate they always think that it is about beating people up. However, when one takes a closer look into what Karate actually is one realizes that it is so much more than that. One can apply things one learns in Karate like self-discipline, perseverance, and focus to anything in one's life. When one does so, one sees just how much concepts learned in Karate helps one with things far beyond defending one's self and how it can help one achieve greatness in all aspects of life

  • An Essay On How To Get A Black Belt

    1223 Words  | 5 Pages

    Tae kwon do began in the primitive times during these times people had to fight animals as well as humans just to get a scrap to eat, eventually these kicks and punches began to form a small pattern. Anyone can buy a black belt at a martial art store, but that does not make one a black belt. A black belt tirelessly trains, through pain, blood and tears, it takes a lot of emotional toll on the student as the test to reach a black belt is long and requires endurance. To be a Martial artist one must

  • Essay About Taekwondo

    795 Words  | 4 Pages

    Ocampo and Justin Reyes University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines Taekwondo originated in Korea. It is one of the most known martial arts in the world. The purpose of this study is to identify the difference in kinematic characteristics in turning long kick of a male and female player. There are three phases in a turning long kick (initial, kick proper and recovery). INTRODUCTION: Taekwondo is a full contact combat sport wherein the competitors win points by hitting the opponents’

  • Personal Narrative: Taekwondo Competition

    1444 Words  | 6 Pages

    My hands were shaking, and so were my ankles. I had competed at a national taekwondo competition with no fear, and a high school dance team tryout was scaring me. The coach called me to the gym with one other girl. We had to do kicks, leaps, and turns for the technique part. I managed to do okay, because I could have soaring kicks, with years of my previous taekwondo training. “Okay, so get ready to do the dance, and show some power!” the coach, Krissy, said. What if I fall, and what if I forget

  • Taekwondo Club Mission Statement

    576 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Denison Taekwondo Club is a student led organization that is an extension of the Introduction to Taekwondo class. Though the club is student led, legal and liability reasons require that the club is overseen by a certified Taekwondo instructor. Denison’s Taekwondo Club meets three times a week while weekends provide an opportunity for members to join sessions at the Westerville Taekwondo Dojo. Being associated with the Westerville Dojo, the club falls under Taekwondo America, the national organization

  • Taekwondo Vs. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

    864 Words  | 4 Pages

    Taekwondo vs. Brazilian Jiu-jitsu As I stepped onto the mat for the first time, martial arts ran in my blood. I was raised to never allow anyone to take advantage of me. Always standing my ground, I was headstrong since I grew up with a brother who always picked on me. Smaller than the average-sized child, I had to be tough to survive. Martial arts disciplined me in a way I never thought possible. My instructor was always checking my grades, asking my parents if my room was clean, as well as asking

  • Personal Narrative About My Cultural Identity Through Taekwondo

    461 Words  | 2 Pages

    I will write a personal narrative telling how my thinking about my culture and those of others have evolved from the age of four to the age of eighteen. Specifically, I will tell this story by describing how two my friends who I met through Taekwondo influenced my thinking by sharing their stories with me. In telling my story, I share the many occasions I’ve thought about my own cultural identity because of the invitations I’ve received inviting me to learn about others’ communities. The story includes

  • Personal Narrative: More Than A Coach By Mr. Larsen

    613 Words  | 3 Pages

    More Than a Coach The most important teacher I have had was not in an academic setting. Mr. Larsen was my taekwondo coach for about 5 years. I trained under him since I started at the age of 8. I spent most of my childhood training with my coach and my other teammates. At one point, I was at the gym for 6 days of the week. Mr. Larsen taught me some of my most valuable life lessons. He taught me how to my confident, disciplined, and determined. One of first lessons that Mr. Larsen taught me was

  • Effects Of Being A Black Belt Essay

    971 Words  | 4 Pages

    essay How has being a black belt affected my life? How has becoming a black belt affected my life? Being a black belt has changed my life in ways I'd never expect from first starting Taekwondo. I was extremely happy when my parents told me they had signed me up for Taekwondo. I went into my first few classes in taekwondo with so much excitement, eager to go to the next class. When I looked up to my instructors and leadership with their black belts tied around their waist, I thought they were the coolest

  • Muscular Strength Essay

    1405 Words  | 6 Pages

    Chapter 2 Muscular Strength, Power, and Speed Muscular strength, power, and speed are defined as the three vital skills needed by taekwondo players in their sport, as stated in Physical Training in Taekwondo: Generic and Specific Training (Haddad, 2014). Muscular strength is defined by Hall, E. (2003) as the ability of a muscle group to develop maximal contractile force against a resistance in a single contraction. Greenfield, B. (2016) suggests that power and speed goes hand-in-hand with strength

  • Personal Reflection Essay To The Cls Program

    343 Words  | 2 Pages

    To the CLS program, I bring my 6 years of martial arts experience. My background in Taekwondo has taught me the significance of discipline, the value of hard work, the meaning of perseverance, and most importantly, what it means to have respect for not only myself, but also for others. Taekwondo has been filled with so many different kinds of people from all walks of life and different places. Getting to know these people has given me not only an appreciation of many different lifestyles and unique

  • Medicine: A Personal Statement

    600 Words  | 3 Pages

    Ever since my youth, I have aimed to become a physician, and as a result, both my academics and views of the world of the world have been developed as such. Academically, I have learned that only hard work and diligence can take me to new heights, and therefore, with everything that I do, I aim to give one hundred and ten percent of myself to the task at hand. Furthermore, I have grasped the concept that sometimes, ideas cannot be grasped easily, and due to this, I have developed the skill of being

  • My Black Belt Narrative

    652 Words  | 3 Pages

    As an eleven year old, a black belt in taekwondo had been my holy grail. A holy grail that would be only the beginning. From the young age of five years, I knew I wanted to do taekwondo. Through my journey I have fallen . I have cried. I have bled. This journey, that quite frankly I hated, has been my true love.try a journey From hearing,” You will have to fall one thousand times before you can become a black belt.” to,” Honey you just cannot do it.” I fought. I learned to get far past my fears and