Viola Essays

  • Viola In The Twelfth Night

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    The movie She’s the Man, Viola dresses up as her brother Sebastian in order to prove that she is good enough to play on the boys soccer team. In the play, The Twelfth Night Viola dresses up as a boy in order to get a job for Duke Orsino. In the movie She’s the Man Viola’s soccer team gets cut due to not enough girls wanting to play. Leading her to wanting to join the boys soccer team. The coach for the team says that girls aren’t capable of playing on the boys team. So, she dresses up as her brother

  • Cello History

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    cello’s history, I finally realized something. The structure of the cello has changed massively from the 5th century BC, to the 19th century. The early ancestor of the cello is the viola da gamba, which first appeared in Europe in the late 15th century. The viola da gamba’s structure is similar to the cello’s. The viola da gamba have a, “... flat back and sloping shoulders. Its fingerboard was fretted like that of a guitar and its bow held with an underhand grip… between five and seven stings, with

  • Personal Essay: My Love Of Hip Hop Music

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    Music is a universal language as it is accepted by the whole world even though some of us might not understand the physical language of the music that they are listening to. There are a variety of music genres for people to choose ranging from pop, rock, bop, techno, swing, rhythm and blues, hip hop, folk music, and many others including my personal favourite, jazz. Being the only daughter in the family with more male cousins than females had made my music preference a little bit different from

  • Concert Review Of The Non 49 By Tchaikovsky

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    This performance was in the auditorium of my high school, New Providence High School. My sister plays the violin and has been playing for almost her whole life.The principal performers included assortments of string instruments, including violin, viola, cello, and bass. Also, there was an assortment of brass instruments such as trumpets, french horns, and trombones. The entire woodwind family was included in this performance as well. Although, the use of percussion instruments and the piano was extremely

  • Viola Monologue

    892 Words  | 4 Pages

    bunch of sailors were having a discussion. they had been shipwrecked nearby and all had barely escaped drowning. the young nubile maiden viola was concerned for the fate of her twin brother Sebastian. where are we my dear captain what happened to my brother me and him are very close and I look just like him if I lived perhaps he did too what do you think asked viola which was disquieted and very effected by the fact that her brother was not their. me and you and all these sailors are in illyria madame

  • Why Is Viola Important

    949 Words  | 4 Pages

    Viola Viola is a 55-year-old woman, married, working, who was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis 2 years ago. The patients highlighted the doctor-patient relationship as a key factor of helping them to deal with the pain. Viola said that the physician’s trust and help was essential for coping: ‘I think that one has to have an iron will to be able to elaborate such a tragedy [the illness]. Having a trusted person and being able to tell her when you feel sick is very important. Receiving the physician's

  • Viola Twelfth Night

    691 Words  | 3 Pages

    In Act 1, Valentine goes to visit Viola, but is denied entrance. However he recieves word that Olivia will not show her face to anyone for the preceeding 7 years, in memory of her brother who passed away. Duke Orsino doesn't let this stop him, if anything it urges him on like a challenge, he say “Oh, if she loves her brother this much, think how she'll love me when I finally win her over and make her forget all her other attachments! Her mind and heart will be ruled by one man alone-me!” This statement

  • Viola Davis's Speech

    342 Words  | 2 Pages

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Viola Davis is Rutgers University’s 2017 Commencement Speaker New Brunswick, NJ., March 23, 2017 — The Rutgers Board of Governors selected actress and producer, Viola Davis, to be Rutgers University’s 2017 Commencement Speaker. This year’s commencement ceremony will take place at the High Points Solutions Stadium on Sunday, May 14, 2017, at 10 a.m. Visit for more information about the ceremony. Davis will not only present a speech at the ceremony

  • Viola Twelfth Night

    455 Words  | 2 Pages

    Instead of a scene, we did an entire act. In the act, Duke Orsino ends up seeing Cesario dressed up as Viola and finds her revoltingly hideous. After this, he refuses her. Viola is so angry from this rejection that she vows to go murdering beautiful people in the land of Illyria. This causes Duke Orsino to ban her from Illyria. Viola goes to her brother Sebastian to tell him the recent events. Sebastian refuses to let his sister go alone and opts to go with her. He talks to Olivia who chooses

  • Viola Davis Identity

    909 Words  | 4 Pages

    opportunities. – Viola Davis I always thought that if I work hard enough and was very determined, I would get where I wanted in life that I would not have any less of opportunities like the white man and people would not just see my race, the tone of my skin, my gender and my religion. Nevertheless, I was obviously wrong, matter of fact I was deluding myself by covering the whole sky with the palm of my hand, because with that logic someone with the talents and statues as Viola Davis, of course

  • Twelfth Night Viola Essay

    425 Words  | 2 Pages

    Viola is considered to be the hero in the play.Viola is the only character that truly knows what she wants. Viola is in love with The Due and she is truly passionate about him this is shown when she is describing the love she has for him in the line “She pined in thought, And with a green and yellow melancholy she sat like patience on a monument, smiling at grief was not this love indeed?”(Shakespeare). Viola causes many conflicts with her identity. She must be herself but also be Cesario. Viola

  • Viola In Shakespeare's Twelfth Night

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    this description. The protagonist, Viola, has a mind of her own despite being told that women are inferior. She is one of Shakespeare’s most esteemed creations and the characterization of this young female greatly contrasts with others. In Twelfth Night, Viola is undoubtedly, a strong female character who is resourceful and makes decisions for herself. Foremost, Viola possesses the character traits of resourcefulness and

  • Viola Desmond Impact On Society

    621 Words  | 3 Pages

    Viola Desmond Viola Desmond, a Canadian businesswoman and civil rights activist, is widely recognized for her pivotal role in challenging racial segregation in Canada during the mid-20th century. Despite facing discrimination and injustice, Desmond's courageous act of defiance has left an indelible mark on the fight for racial equality. This essay will explore the life and legacy of Viola Desmond, highlighting her impact on Canadian society and her enduring status as a symbol of resistance. Viola

  • Who Is Viola Talking To Orsino

    311 Words  | 2 Pages

    met many interesting characters and for the most part, familiarized ourselves with them. Viola, however, is somewhat arduous to understand. She is Viola and Cesario at the same time and it can be tough to keep up with which personality she is expressing. Her decision to change her life and disguise herself as a boy was quite radical and she seems to be more active than passive. At times throughout the play Viola has been quite passive, but overall I believe she is more of an active character. In Act

  • Who Is Viola In Twelfth Night

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    Duke Orsino enters a kissing booth to kiss Viola. Viola ex-boyfriend Justin catches them kissing and he began to fight Duke Orsino, due to Duke Orsino telling Justin they can fight it out on the soccer field. Duke Orsino also finds out Viola is Sebastian twin sister, she talked about with him. In Twelfth Night, Feste talks to Sebastian who he thinks is Cesario. Sebastian Girlfriend talks to Viola who is pretending to Sebastian while he is gone. Since Viola is in Sebastian role, she doesn’t know how

  • Stella Adler Research Paper

    842 Words  | 4 Pages

    Hardworking, creative and committed would best describe the performer and director, Stella Adler. Stella Adler is best known for her work in theatre, acting and creating her own theater called “Stella Adler Theatre Studio”. You could say when Adler was born on February 10th 1901, she was meant to act because she started preforming at the age of 4. As a teen she starred in many productions throughout the U.S, Europe and South America which led to her career. When she was around 30 years old she was

  • Viola Desmond Research Paper

    1781 Words  | 8 Pages

    The Canadian government has selected the portraits of Viola Desmond as the feature of the newest Canadian ten dollar banknote - who challenged the racial segregation a decade before Rosa Parks's act of defiance. The story of Viola Desmond was well-known in the black community, and her efforts to fighting for black women’s civil rights soon influence the anti-discrimination organisations and activism. Viola Desmond was successful in her career as a beautician. On November 8, 1946, she was on her

  • Violas In Tim O Brien's The Answers

    807 Words  | 4 Pages

    Viola and Todd’s lives are constantly being flipped and turned with every move they make. During Viola’s escape from New Prentisstown she was almost blown up in another one of The Answers bombs. She barely made it out of the way with the help of Mistress Coyle pushing her clear of harm. Now Viola is stuck in the camp of The Answer with, ironically, nobody giving her any answers to her questions. Todd isn’t fairing too well either. After hearing that Viola ran away without him, he’s had many unanswered

  • Viola Desmond's Influence On Black Women

    621 Words  | 3 Pages

    consider women as people. If being a woman wasn’t hard enough, having dark skin made it worse. Many black people of both genders were stripped of their rights and dealt with racial discrimination. Viola Desmond is a perfect example of one of many black women. In mine and countless others opinions, I believe that Viola Desmond was a strong, independent and inspiring person. She created history by sticking up for herself and numerous women around the world. She is a great influence for today’s youth and many

  • Example Of A Personal Narrative Essay On Viola

    283 Words  | 2 Pages

    I have played viola for about seven years, since I was eleven. As soon as I started playing, it was like nothing I had ever done before, every minute I played the more I wanted to learn. In the summer before seventh grade, I was leaving my family for the first time to go to a strings camp in Michigamme. I didn’t expect to be in the front of the section, I was just glad to be there, wherever I was in the orchestra. When we walked into the orchestra, I was astonished to be my name on the first