2x2a Test Anxiety Experiment

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My experiment would be conducted using a 100 students from two the undergraduate level course in Rhode Island College. I will ask students if they consider themselves to have high level of test anxiety and form two groups. They will be presented with material that they have previously learned from their professor
The Main effect of my proposed experiment is test anxiety. Independent variables is the subject variable of test anxiety. I also will be telling the students to do the test first without revealing their answers. The Dependent variable is how undergraduates do on test. The Subject variable is will be the students level test anxiety. Type of design I will be using 2x2a within subject design, using a factorial Anova.
50 students will be used for this experiment. The students will be presented with material a week before the assessment. The students are going to be given a test packet and an immediate feedback scratch off sheet. Students may use anything to scratch of their answer.

A Rhode Island college classroom of students will be a given an exam using the immediate feedback testing sheet. Along with this test they were given …show more content…

If the student answers the question and reveals the correct they will receive one full point. If the student does not choose the correct answer on their first try they now have an opportunity to try again. If there second try reveals the answer they can receive half a point. On the immediate feedback test sheet when a student scratch off a bubble and it is the correct answer they will see a star, the star will be place in different positions in the bubble, so it is important that the student scratch off the bubble completely. If the students choose the wrong answer they will know immediately after scratch off the bubble because no star will be

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