7 Deadly Mistakes To Avoid For Your Real Estate Website

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There are too many real estate websites on the internet today that are not marketing themselves properly due to lack of knowledge or an outdated mindset on internet marketing. This article will hopefully give you real estate professionals a new perspective on how-to view search engine marketing (SEM) as a whole.
Below you will discover what I call the 7 Deadly Mistakes To Avoid for Your Real Estate Website:

Have A Marketing Plan & Follow It!
A marketing plan gives you something to focus on so you can track your progress. Treating a website like a separate business or as your sole medium for advertising will give yourself a new perspective on how you view marketing it. In your plan you should consider the following: Goals ("250/visitors/day …show more content…

Of course there are 'blackhat' (unethical) ways to build links fast and get one Google's first page within one cycle however there is no telling how long that will last.

Building the links the old-fashion way will certainly be the best way to get ahead. For example, press releases accomplish building backlinks as well as exposure and not to mention that search engines absolutely love it when authoritative websites link back to you.

IDX & Iframes KILLS Your Website's SEO

IDX is great for real estate websites to make them look populated as well as giving your visitors a broader range of listings to view. But let's face it 9 out of 10 of the real estate websites that use IDX do not have them incorporated correctly that is why you will notice your IDX features do not blend right into your page or the IDX feed is too …show more content…

Depending on the type of IDX you use (Iframes or Hard-Coded API) it varies on how your website is discovered.

For instance Iframes are absolutely the worst method for IDX integration as your website is not getting the credit for the content and in actuallity your website is being hurt in the rankings for not having your own unique/natural content. The reason is Google and other search engines love original content for their cache/index and if you're not adding to it you're hurting it.

Hard-Coded API's are only better than iframes because they only take a bit of the content from a website database whereas an iframe steals the entire website. Of course this hurts your website, greatly, because again Google sees your website as a director of traffic rather than a producer of traffic.

Mobile Friendly

The most recent analysis I have read regarding the percentage of users whom use their mobile devices to use the internet consists of almost 22% of ALL the traffic on the

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