A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings, By Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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Have you ever wondered how the power of kindness helps? Why are people so nice to someone that treats them awful, no matter how they feel they still show people their kindness. The three things about the power of kindness, and they are people of this generation are cold hearted, in need of kind people and what to do to receive and give kindness. Like in “A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the old man was kind because he didn't mine that he was chained up like an animal and was treated awful, people would throw stuff at him, even burned him. Pelayo and Elivanda were the ones that made money of the poor old man because the people in their town thought the old man was an angel and thought it would blessed them or give …show more content…

think of a time someone has been kind to you, in a big or a small way: A passerby gave your directions to reach the station or a stranger threw herself in a river to save you from drowning. what effect did it have on you? Probably a beneficial one, because if someone helps us when we need it, we feel relief. And everyone likes to be heard, threatened with warmth and friendliness, understood, and nourished. (Piero Ferrucci)
Being kind is a way of life that can bring happiness to others as well as to those who practice it. When someone is kind, it means he or she is considerate and nice to others. Some good examples of kindness is saying please and thank you, sharing and doing anything that helps others. when you treat other people with kindness, both people feel good!
It's important to try and always be kind. You don't need to have a reason for being kind it's something you can do simply because it's the right way to treat others! if you see a kid on the playground who is having trouble tying his shoe, be kind and help out. Do its simpli for the”thanks you” and the smile from the other kid, and then hope that he’ll pass on your kindness and help another person. Kindness doesn't have to cost you anything except a quick movement to give a hug or share a …show more content…

It is not merely that someone is being kind to us, there has to be acknowledgement or awareness that someone was or is kind to us for the kindness to be truly appreciated. Sometimes kindness is perceived as if it were poisoned candy. Question may come up such as, “Why is this person being kind to me?” or “ Is there an ulterior motive. It is sad to note that there are unscrupulous people in the world who use “Kindness” as a means to “ yet something”. Geovane kindness is an act that benefits the receiver, and the giver, what is not looking for a return on his or her investment of kindness. Most people, however, when they give an act of kindness, are sincere. Some individuals have a hard time accepting a compliment. They may feel embarrassed or awkward. For example, Mary tells Susan that she loves what susan has done with her hair. Susan then qualifies this kindness by saying something like, “ My hair is just a mess, I haven't done anything to it in ayes”. In her case, “Ages” means she still has to go to her weekly appointment at the beauty parlor. In actual fact however, Susan is not fully appreciating Mary’s kind compliment, and as such, is not reaping the full benefits of Mary’s generosity. It takes openness and willingness to receive kindness and to delight in its bounty.This exercise helped you to remember and reflect up to an experience in which someone was kind to you. the more kindness is