APA Vs. MLA Writing Style Differences

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Can you tell me my major by my writing format? Does my writing format even identify what style of writing I’m using? Hard one isn’t it? Now what if I told you my major uses the American Psychological Association writing style, can you guess my major now? No, it’s not psychology! The American Psychological Association (APA style) is the writing preference of social sciences which include psychology, sociology, medicine, etc. So yes, my major is nursing.
APA and MLA are two of the biggest writing styles known. They have their similarities, but their differences vary, which is why certain disciplines use one over the other. APA is greatly used for scientific papers whereas MLA writing styles are used for literary works. With APA using conventions, reference citations, which helps avoid plagiarism, and the proper use of headers, APA helps science majors, like nurses, to minimize distractions and be able to communicate what needs to be said effectively. Communication is key. …show more content…

Communication can be a complicated process, sending or receiving incorrect messages always exists. The more skilled your writing ability is, the more accurate your communication becomes. A written paper then becomes complete, practical and successful; and when a nurse is at this stage of their writing, the documentation will be perceived and valued as something credible. Writing in nursing, compared to being an author for example, is a minimal yet crucial part of being a nurse. Nurses are liable for their word, even mistaking a single word can lead to