Abraham Lincoln Research Paper

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Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States of America between the years 1860 and 1865.Over the years, he had other names given to him such as Honest Abe, The Ancient One, The Tycoon, The Liberator and the rail splitter. On 12th of February, 1809, Abraham Lincoln was born in Hardin, Kentucky to Thomas Lincoln, a carpenter and a farmer, and Nancy Hanks. Lincoln’s ancestors were the Quakers. Lincoln’s younger brother Thomas died as an infant and the elder sister, Sarah died after she was married. His parents detested slavery as they were members of the Baptist church that had being formed to oppose slavery. At the age of ten, Lincoln’s mother died which led to his father remarrying a widow by the name Mrs. Sally Johnston who already had three children at the time of the marriage. His step mother took good care of him and she did not get any other child with Lincoln’s father. Lincoln was viewed as someone with a great mind from the time he was young as he had a passion for reading. He attended school briefly till when he was seven years when his family moved to Indiana in 1816 and he continued his schooling there. He however didn’t school …show more content…

This was the first and the only time Abraham was beaten on a direct vote. By now Abraham was out of business and had nothing to turn to even though he anxiously wanted to remain with his friends. He thought of learning blacksmith trade or again studying law though he thought he could not succeed in the latter because it needed quality education. After some time, a man offered to him some goods on credit. He partnered with another individual but unfortunately this didn’t help them go far but get further into debts. After that, he was appointed as postmaster at New Salem where the store winked