
Abraham Lincoln Research Paper

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The life of Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12th, 1809, in Hardin County Kentucky in a one room log cabin to Thomas and Nancy Lincoln. Nancy died when the boy was young of “milk sickness” in 1818. Shortly after Thomas and the young Abraham moved to southern Indiana. Education was limited for the young boy to just 3 brief periods, because he had to work with his father to continue living in their home. In total the spots in time he did go to school only totaled to about one year. Lincoln basically taught himself by reading, and re-reading a small collection of books he owned. Later on his father went on to marry a widow named Sarah Bush Johnston who had children of her own; she loved Lincoln like one of her own. Lincoln …show more content…

Abraham’s political party, The Whigs, which he was a very devoted and proud member of: began to fall apart, therefore he needed a new political party. So he joined the new Republican Party which was formed in opposition of slavery, and the movement of slavery into other states and the new territories that were only beginning to develop. Shortly after Lincoln gave his famous speech “A House Divided,” “A house divided against itself cannot stand” (Lincoln). Shortly after Abraham Lincoln was elected the 16th president of the united states seven southern slave states seceded from the Union forming what was called the Confederate States of America or (CSA) for short. Lincoln had ordered supplies to be delivered to Fort Sumter on April 12th 1861, which became the start of the first and only American Civil War. Later becoming the bloodiest battle fought on American soil in all of history totaling more American casualties than any other war (of course because both sides were …show more content…

The death toll on the United States was about 620,000 Americans, the bloodiest war on American soil in history. Once a year after the war was over (when all the bitterness was gone) they had reenactments where all the Civil War veterans could go a visit, both Confederate and Union veterans. After Abraham Lincoln was re-elected he and his wife Mary Todd Lincoln were at Ford’s Theatre enjoying a classical play in a balcony seat on April 14th 1865, when a man named John Wilkes Booth, a strong supporter of the confederacy shot and wounded president Lincoln who was later taken across the street to the Peterson household later dying in a bed from the wound. Abraham Lincoln was the first American president in history to be assassinated. Lincoln was famous for many of his speeches such as . . . his first inaugural address, which was delivered as the country was literally falling apart following his election. His Gettysburg address given in 1863 after being invited to attend a memorial at the military cemetery that had the dead from the battle of Gettysburg fought the previous July. Lincoln’s second inaugural address was delivered for his second term was beginning in March of 1865. The Civil War is almost at its end (John Wilkes Booth is the man who assassinated

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