Abraham Research Paper

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One of the most cherished persons in all of God’s Word is Abraham. The Christian reads of Abraham and his life in the book of Genesis, which gives tremendous insight into the life of Abraham, the birth of his son Isaac, and the covenant that was made between God and himself. The Lord promised Abraham that “…all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever. And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth: so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered (Gen 13:15-16).” The Bible speaks of this covenant between God and Abraham often, considering it was fulfilled through Isaac, the child of promise. Nevertheless, the Abrahamic covenant that his descendants would be as the …show more content…

These Hebrew people were the descendants of Abraham. This was already affirming that the covenant between Abraham and God was being fulfilled. The Lord made this covenant with Abraham when he was an older man, requiring Abraham to have more faith in God that He would uphold His promise to give him countless descendants and to give them a special land to dwell in. What is interesting to note at this point is that Sarah, Abraham’s wife was old as well, and when she heard the news that she would give birth to a child she laughed, saying doubtfully that she was too old to bare any children. Her laughter was later turned to praise when she bore Isaac to Abraham. Although Abraham had Ishmael through Sarah’s handmaid, Hagar, he was not the child of promise. It was through Isaac that the covenant would be fulfilled. This lineage of Abraham would later grow into the people of ancient Israel. The Abrahamic lineage continued throughout the generations and eventually led to the birth of One who is the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Abraham and Sarah could only hold on to their faith in God when they may have questioned how the fulfillment of this covenant was possible, but the Lord would work in ways they could only