Abusing Power In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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The most powerful people in the world are country and business leaders. To some people when they receive power it makes them feel like everyone's below them. As it was always said with great power comes great responsibility, but some people take that as a joke. For some people, it gives them that mindset where they could get whatever they want. Since the leaders change rules for their best interest, they think they're invincible and that no one will step up and do anything. One thing that makes it hard for people to avoid abusing power is because everyone usually fears them. They have that feeling inside that if they step up something bad is gonna happen. An example of abusing power would be from the book, Animal Farm. So a new leader stepped up named Napoleon. He started off as a good leader but as time went on and things got harder, and he started to become more and more cruel. An example is when Napoleon gave them an option to work more or cut down on food. “ Throughout the spring and summer they worked a sixty-hour week, and in August Napoleon announced that there would be work on Sunday afternoons as well. This work was strictly voluntary, but any animal who …show more content…

Something they do to keep them happy and make their life easier. This has a huge problem because it makes some people feel worthless and that their opinions don't matter. An example from Animal Farm would be when Napoleon changed one of the commandments. It involved sleeping in the beds of the humans. “ You have heard comrades,” he said, “that we pigs will now sleep in the beds of the farmhouse.” Some argued the change but Napoleon was the leader, what he said went. This is a huge example of abusing power because he is taking the rules that the animals made together and changed them for his best interest. It is a strong sign of abuse of power because this is only benefiting him and the others that are high