Disadvantages Of Qualitative Interview

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Last but not least, one of the widely used and well-established methods is an interview. An interview is a conversation between usually two people where questions are asked by the interviewer to elicit the facts or statements from the interviewee. Interviewing is considered as a qualitative method (Kumar, 2016,p.66), and it is a technique used to understand the experiences of others. Qualitative interviewing has many advantages. Possibly the greatest advantage is the depth of detail from the interviewee (Weiss, R.S. 1994). The interview provides a more intimate setting for discussions as well as it gives an opportunity to ask follow up questions.
Our research problem states that ICM students travel a lot and also what causes international students travel more than Dutch. Personal interviews …show more content…

But the aim in qualitative research makes emphasis on exploring diversity, and the sampling strategy and sample size do not play a significant role. (Kumar, 2016, p.318) Moreover, in qualitative research the collection of data goes until you feel that you have reached the saturation point.(Kumar,2016,p.318). First of all, the intensity and therefore the length of the qualitative interview will impact on the design of the qualitative sampling strategy (Amanda Wilmot, 2016). Indeed, longer interviews will provide the more detailed information and data. But on the other hand, the length and the number of the interviewees might affect the time we spend doing the research. The main question we should consider is how many people we should interview in order to get us much information as possible. Perhaps, one or two students will not be enough, so we should consider interviewing around 10 people so we can understand factors like whether the cost influences their travel behavior, the consistency of their travels and if their cultural background influences the choice in