Advertisement Fallacies Persuasion

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Benjamin Self? Mrs.?Bonea? AP English-7? 23 of January 2017? Advertisement Fallacies? The truth behind advertising is?initially?phony statements or culturized propaganda to try and grab the audience's attention in order to market the company's product. Advertisement is truly a significant way a business can receive public attention to market their products and make a profit, but this certainly does not mean all of their statements are true in any aspect. In this satire created by the writers of?The Onion, we see an?advertisement?take place within this work?to?try and?market the product,?MagnaSoles. In this publication,?the writers?emphasize?the false truths within an advertisement and expand?on how companies market their products to the public with false logistics and insight;?this fa?ade?that is present in?business advertisement is shown through the use of diction, overstatements,?and the tone throughout the entirety of the publication.?? Throughout this article, the use of diction is prominent as the?initial goal is to?market this item to the customer and have them believe it is worth the money?they are spending and that??initially, it actually works. This ad's use of diction includes scientific sounding words in order to sound as the item is a new phase of technology and is an impressive feat, …show more content…

The tone, overall, is humorous and has wry and flippant qualities to it as well. With its outrageous claims of how the product can doubtlessly change the entire body of the consumer, the publication mocks the skills that business advertisers put to use in order to market their product with words such as "'s a total foot-rejuvenation system". The Onion's tone, while humorous, has an?element?of false intellect as it contains statements?that have many intelligent sounding?aspects about the product that are ridiculous and have no truth to them