Allowing The Government To Monitor Key Words On The Internet

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Imagine getting on your computer at home and it just crashes. You are clueless on how this happen, but then you remember you downloaded something from a email that was a virus. Cyber attacks happen every day in the United States. Not every cyber attack can be stopped, but most can be prevented. Allowing the government to track face scans, or monitor key words on the internet, would have a major impact on cyber attacks. In todays online world hackers are coming up with new ways to get into your computer to steal identities, money, or private information. When you open up a webpage they can have fake ads tricking people they have viruses. Then when they click on the ad it puts a virus in your computer. Even though the government can monitor internet …show more content…

There have been many cyber attacks in the past. People would send emails with viruses in them, or hackers would get into your computer and steal your personal information. Baldor stated in his article “We need a system that finds cyber hackers and attacks at the speed of light” (1). This system will help prevent these attacks fast and efficient. This system would help detect words and send them to the government to be motorized. Preventing cyber attacks, and allowing the government to monitor key words, will help create more safety for the people online. If the Government monitors the internet it creates more safety for the people. According to Gallington and her article she said, “If it had not been for wiretaps, the war against organized crime would have been lost a long time ago” (1). Phone taps will help listen to conversations of people planning an attack or criminal activity. If the government monitors keywords searched on the internet it could help take down terrorists. It’s a good solution to keeping the internet safe. According to Shapiro in his book he says “Criminals where tracked down by camera and photographed in the United States” (15). They can do face scans and track down people’s location. Allowing the government to see the face scans would help find potential terrorist or