Amelia Earhart Accomplishments

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Amelia Earhart Amelia Earhart is commonly known for being the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. In addition to this major accomplishment, Earhart is also known for the mystery of her disappearance after attempting to fly completely around the world along the equator. All throughout her life and her career, she broke several flying records and she proved that women can do just as much as men can do. Amelia Earhart was an important person in United States history for both women and men because she proved herself to be fearless by following her dreams and did what most people were too terrified to do. Ever since Earhart’s first flights as a young, twenty-three-year-old adult, she knew that she wanted to become a …show more content…

Earhart began her solo trip across the Atlantic Ocean by departing “from Harbour Grace, Newfoundland, on May 20, 1932 bound for Paris… Encountering weather-related difficulties, the solo female pilot instead came to a landing on a farm just north of Derry, Northern Ireland” (Shaw). This trip brought Earhart extreme international fame. Amelia Earhart went on to gain several awards for this accomplishment and other accomplishments. Further into her career, she decided to take on her dream of flying completely around the …show more content…

There are several theories about what might have happened to them, but none have been proven, yet. Most people believe they might have crashed. Other people believe that they might have landed on a small island near Japan and were captured and possibly killed. There has been no proof to any of the assumptions, therefore the disappearance of Amelia Earhart still remains a mystery. Amelia Earhart was an all-around extremely courageous woman. She independently stood up against society’s doubts and followed her dreams. She is an excellent role model for women all over the world. Although, she was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic solo, she is brave for so much more. She was determined and courageous and stood up against society’s norms. She was fearless and she did what most and women were too afraid to